Destiny Beta Code Giveaway!

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okay, i missed my chance to enter the alpha, i signed up but it was to late, i have been waiting for the alpha for 3 months, i was watching youtube videos of the alpha gameplay, now the beta is coming i dont want to miss this one at all, i dont want to wach youtube gameplays of the destiny beta, i want to finally post a video of me playing the destiny beta! im a huge fan and this is a big opportunity for me but only you guys can fulfill this opportunity, this game is awsome and i really want to participate, thanks hopefully i get into the beta!! :D
This is exactly how I feel as well. I've been watching gameplay of the alpha as well. Watching all these people get to get their hands on such a grand title. Now that I am getting a ps4 for destiny I want to be apart of all the talk. Hopefully through Playstation lifestyle that becomes a reality. This beta will be in all of my prayers.
You know, i can write her a big essay [and probably fake] essay on how important is the game for me, how i can't wait for it, but i guess the real reason on why i would like a code is more simple: i'm a gamer. I love games. I've devoted myself entirely for every single game that i've bought and no doubt with Destiny it will be the same situation. It would be awesome to try it before the official release. So... i'm just going to ask: can i have the code?
Well that is easy, I go to playstation lifestyle for all of my gaming fixes and info. Recently discovered the forum section through the Destiny Beta. Destiny, Gaming, and PSLS one big happy family. I am forever grateful to be even in the running for a beta code let alone to actually win one. All my friends have beta codes and I am out of the loop. Would love to be able to play with them when the beta releases next week. Fingers crossed across the chest.
This is exactly how I feel as well. I've been watching gameplay of the alpha as well. Watching all these people get to get their hands on such a grand title. Now that I am getting a ps4 for destiny I want to be apart of all the talk. Hopefully through Playstation lifestyle that becomes a reality. This beta will be in all of my prayers.
The sad life. Its great that PSLS is at least giving the opportunity to many who were unfortunate and not able to particpate in the alpha or just missed the beta codes pre orders by a few days. This is the opportunity of the year.
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