E.V.O. The Search for Eden

Arthur Sataine

PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Not heard of this game? I'm not surprised. But, it is one of Enix's hidden gems. One of the best title on the SNES. And, to me, one of the best titles in existence. It's one major flaw is the heavy grinding. Being a classic action/RPG though, that should come as no surprise.

I love the evolution aspect of the game. And all the periods of Earth's history it takes you through. The overarching main storyline is greatly appealing to me as well. Who wouldn't want to spend eternity in Eden with the beautiful, naked spirit of the planet? There are quite a few side stories throughout the game. It also has a number of grueling boss battles throughout each age. The ease of evolution is simply remarkable. And the fact that there are a number of secret or otherwise hidden evolutions is just awesome. I'm being very minimal in my description because I would love for you all to experience the title. And as such, I don't want to ruin any of it.

RetroSnow does a decent job of describing the game without ruining the experience:

Absolutely love the game. And proudly own the original cartridge. So, discuss away! Have you played this timeless classic?
I never played this game but it does sound really interesting with the evolution dynamic. The reviewer said that he played for 5 hours and change to complete it. And that 90% of it was the grindfest? How far can you get in 5 hours?
I don't recall if I beat it, last thing I remember was a temple with apes, I think I was briefly a dragon for a bonus level or something...

The grind was seriously a problem for that game, but I absolutely loved how you could customize your character in so many ways. Definitely one of the most unique games I've ever played
I never played this game but it does sound really interesting with the evolution dynamic. The reviewer said that he played for 5 hours and change to complete it. And that 90% of it was the grindfest? How far can you get in 5 hours?

You asking me personally or in general? I can at least get to the last stage in 5 hours. Though on each new play through I try out different evolution combos to play with. And I also try to find all the secret evolutions. I've mastered Man, became a Mermaid, and discovered the Avian evolution line so far. I wonder if there aren't more. And I shan't look it up. I don't like spoiling such things for myself. I also try and find all the crystals or any new areas I may have missed. I think I have found all those so far. And because I love the game so much, I spend extra time just enjoying the gameplay. So I tend to stay in it for far longer than the average gamer would.

The grind is only a real issue if you aren't accustomed to grinding in RPGs. I imagine if any player who just recently got into RPGs in this or the last gen would find the grind insanely boring. I'm used to it and accept it as a necessity. And if you, like me, know which areas to grind in, it cuts down the time immensely.

There are, if not mistaken, five ages you progress through. Generally you spend an hour in each one. That is not counting looking for the secret areas or evolutions. And I would like to correct the reviewer and state 75% of that time may have been grinding. But, as always, that is merely based on my personal experience.
You asking me personally or in general? I can at least get to the last stage in 5 hours. Though on each new play through I try out different evolution combos to play with. And I also try to find all the secret evolutions. I've mastered Man, became a Mermaid, and discovered the Avian evolution line so far. I wonder if there aren't more. And I shan't look it up. I don't like spoiling such things for myself. I also try and find all the crystals or any new areas I may have missed. I think I have found all those so far. And because I love the game so much, I spend extra time just enjoying the gameplay. So I tend to stay in it for far longer than the average gamer would.

The grind is only a real issue if you aren't accustomed to grinding in RPGs. I imagine if any player who just recently got into RPGs in this or the last gen would find the grind insanely boring. I'm used to it and accept it as a necessity. And if you, like me, know which areas to grind in, it cuts down the time immensely.

There are, if not mistaken, five ages you progress through. Generally you spend an hour in each one. That is not counting looking for the secret areas or evolutions. And I would like to correct the reviewer and state 75% of that time may have been grinding. But, as always, that is merely based on my personal experience.

I think at the time, it was 60/40 asking you/anyone with knowledge. But the question has been answered. I was just curious because if 5 hours beats the game, 5 hours of grinding isn't as bad as a lot of MMO's I've played. I've spent days grinding for levels or looking for a specific piece of gear. Even some of the Legendary weapons in borderlands took me a lot longer than 5 hours to grind out. But from the sound of it, the gameplay seems to be a grind and nothing more. It seems like it would be fun for a playthrough or 2 despite the grind.
I think at the time, it was 60/40 asking you/anyone with knowledge. But the question has been answered. I was just curious because if 5 hours beats the game, 5 hours of grinding isn't as bad as a lot of MMO's I've played. I've spent days grinding for levels or looking for a specific piece of gear. Even some of the Legendary weapons in borderlands took me a lot longer than 5 hours to grind out. But from the sound of it, the gameplay seems to be a grind and nothing more. It seems like it would be fun for a playthrough or 2 despite the grind.

It is that for sure. Nice little game. I have a fascination with sciences it is based around. So those drive me through subsequent playthroughs. And nostalgia. Still, I love looking at all the weird creatures I can make. Functional or not. Probably the same reason I love Spore so much.

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