Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition


PSLS Level: Silver
Just picked this up on Xbox One, and I have to say it is a ton of fun. It features a top down view as you drive around the city in various vehicles taking on TONS of zombies. Equipping your vehicle is very simple as you approach various icons that are scattered throughout the map. The game is separated into various missions, but once your have accomplished your goals, feel free to keep driving around the map to earn more points/money by taking out more zombies. The game is a ton of fun, and an easy pick up and play title. Definitely recommend it for those looking for something new on the Xbox One (it is exclusive) and has an old school feel.
Just found the launch trailer for the game, shows some of the gameplay. Let me know what you guys think :)

But hey, glad you enjoy it though. How far into it are you?
Not very far. Unlocked a couple cars. I've been finishing the missions and just driving around taking out tons of zombies. Great game to just pick up and play.

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