E3 Excitement

Honestly just more games. Would love to get a release date for Diablo III on PS4. Also looking forward to some more details on WWE 2K15 and Madden. Sadly there won't be a NCAA Football game anymore. :(
Can't wait, I'm actually going to take Mon and Tues off work, and really enjoy the press conferences, and all the game news. Should be a great time.
As far as what i want, like most games, both PS4 and Vita. I do love all the indies on both, but I can't wait to see some exclusives
As far the E3 goes I would like to see some new IPs from the Sony First Party Studios and of course the release date of Final Fantasy XV
I would like a release date for the new final fantasy and a nice string of ps4 exclusive games.
I would like to see how Microsoft plans to take their Home Entertainment console to the next level! Who's with me! YEAH!

Aside from that, I'd like to hear more about 1886. Maybe some more gameplay, a release date, a realization that the game would be better off with online co-op.


Speaking of which, I would love to see a release date for the division that isn't November or December.
Xbox One:
Gears of War Next
Lost Odyssey 2 (not going to happen :()
Price cut

Mass Effect Next
God of War Next
Uncharted 4 details
Mirror's Edge
DS4 colors for US
Lords of the Fallen release date
Xbox One:
Gears of War Next
Lost Odyssey 2 (not going to happen :()
Price cut

Mass Effect Next
God of War Next
Uncharted 4 details
Mirror's Edge
DS4 colors for US
Lords of the Fallen release date

A good Gears of War would make me consider buying an Xbox One. I wish there was a PS4 variant.
1. Lots of Vita news: games, accessories, and new features.
2. Star Wars: Battlefront news
3. Red Dead news
4. Some indication on out the future of Bioshock, post Irational (probably too soon for this though)
I coudn't agree more. Aisha Tyler is annoying as all hell and yes SLJ is simply amazing.
Alright, now I want Kevin Spacey to host all of E3. Not just the pressers, literally, like the whole thing. Just have him be supreme E3 overlord.
I just want to see a huge Cross-buy initiative, and a bunch of dates. Give me Minecraft dates, and Diablo 3 Dates, just tell me I don't have to buy games 2 times to play them on what ever I want, and tell me when I can buy them. Do that and I'm happy.

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