E3 Excitement

Just more info/footage/release date for FFXV, I guess. I've noticed these past few years that, for the most part, I couldn't care less about E3 or most of the announcements that come with it. (Although some of the stuff not shared in mainstream live coverage and the like sometimes have some good stuff.) My gaming interest tends to lean more on the Japanese side, and some of the niche (here, at least) stuff at that, and most of that is covered at TGS rather than E3. I've stopped expecting to see much of interest to me come out of E3.

Granted, I do have plenty of mainstream and/or Western interests in gaming, but I just don't really follow any of it as passionately as I do Japanese titles/franchises, so I don't really care. If something cool comes out over here, then I may check it out sometime, but there's nothing that I really anticipate hearing more about at E3.

Besides, as far as I'm concerned, these past few E3's have been kinda boring in general, with only a select few announcements being anything that grand. I've just stopped paying attention, really. I'll probably go look around online way after everyone else has already discovered and discussed everything, lol.
I coudn't agree more. Aisha Tyler is annoying as all hell and yes SLJ is simply amazing.

Aisha tyler has only been good in one thing, and that's ARCHER

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