Favorite Game Soundtracks/Composers

That's definitely cheating - but Warriors of Rock had the best soundtrack for any Guitar Hero game. :-D

By that point, I was all aboard the Rock Band train. There are some really good tracks that I would have loved to play but because it has Nickleback... I'll leave it at that. :p
I'm just going to leave this here.

As many battles as I've gone through, I'm still not sick of that theme. I would actually delay ending fights because I felt the fanfare was too much of a change of pace to end at certain parts.
  • Joe Hisaishi - Ni No Kuni
  • Kow Otani - Shadow of the Colossus
  • C418 - Minecraft
  • Austin Wintory - Journey
  • Gustavo Santaolalla - Last of Us
  • Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill
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Since I'm listening to it right now: The soundtrack for Dust: An Elysian Tail is pretty spiffy.

Like lots of people here, I like the FF soundtracks a lot. My favourite is FFVIII. Here's a random track from one of my favourite tracks from the series that nobody (sadly) has mentioned yet:

*sniff* It's a perfect send off to one of my favourite VG characters ever. I imported the game (only got the PSP just to play it) and Zack's Japanese VA was soooooo good in it. He captures his spirit really well. I never played it in English.

Another soundtrack is one that nobody here has mentioned at all (I am very sad about that) from the composer Hajime Hirasawa. This soundtrack was the only game soundtrack he ever worked on, and he did a really awesome job. It's one of the best VG soundtracks ever made, and it's in one of the best games ever made. Here's a track from the best level in the game. It's an orchestrated version:

Honestly, the entire soundtrack is epic, and could easily have been in a sci-fi movie.
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