Favorite NFL Team

Mine is without a doubt the Houston Texans. Been a fan of them since 2002 when they had their expansion draft.
I can never see Houston as anything other than the Oilers.

I'm more for America's team though. Cowboys all the way.
It was thanks to a great marketing scheme back in the 70's. Coupled with a few of the greatest NFL teams to date, led by Roger Staubach, their popularity went nationwide. They were the first NFL team to really embrace national marketing.
It was thanks to a great marketing scheme back in the 70's. Coupled with a few of the greatest NFL teams to date, led by Roger Staubach, their popularity went nationwide. They were the first NFL team to really embrace national marketing.
Lol. I get that. But the reason that it has stuck is beyond me. Announcers even still say it, and I just don't get it.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention the Cowboys are from Texas and everyone wants to be a cowboy from Texas.
There are only two types of people in this world. Those from Texas, and those that wish they were. :)

You are already a Texan so America's Team was never marketed towards you. LOL
I was a Falcons fan until around 2005, at which point the closer Bungles actually started playing good and I could finally bare to watch them. I actually like only around two hours from Pittsburgh but could never bring myself to stomach them. Now I'm still happily a Bengals fan, though somewhat disgruntled with all the early playoff exits.
49ers since about 91 after the Buffalo Bills (Home Team) lost there 2nd of 4 consecutive Super Bowls. I was young enough to abandon ship, which in hindsight was a very good decision. :)
Steelers all the way. Live about 30 minutes from the city, so I was born and bread a Steelers fan.

Last few year's have been rough, but it's always nice to fall back om those 6 Super Bowls ;-).
I was a Falcons fan until around 2005, at which point the closer Bungles actually started playing good and I could finally bare to watch them. I actually like only around two hours from Pittsburgh but could never bring myself to stomach them. Now I'm still happily a Bengals fan, though somewhat disgruntled with all the early playoff exits.
Once the Bungles always the Bungles. Even when they have a great season like this last one, they find away to screw it ip when it counts.
The ones in states that have marijuana laws passed.

Those teams shall be my favorite.

Anything dog related or shark related. So like the Phoenix Coyotes.
I was a Falcons fan until around 2005, at which point the closer Bungles actually started playing good and I could finally bare to watch them. I actually like only around two hours from Pittsburgh but could never bring myself to stomach them. Now I'm still happily a Bengals fan, though somewhat disgruntled with all the early playoff exits.
Better cut ties with Dalton then.
Better cut ties with Dalton then.
I'm actually not a Dalton hater. Do I think he's an elite QB? No. But I think he's good enough to possibly get them to a championship or Super Bowl appearance. I wasn't a huge fan of Gruden and think that Hue Jackson will get more out of Dalton this year coming season.
I'm actually not a Dalton hater. Do I think he's an elite QB? No. But I think he's good enough to possibly get them to a championship or Super Bowl appearance. I wasn't a huge fan of Gruden and think that Hue Jackson will get more out of Dalton this year coming season.
I like Dalton, liked him when was QB at TCU. Not elite like you said, but good. I'd put him in the same class as Flacco for the Ravens.

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