Final Fantasy Oddities (spoilers)

I feel like it is part of Nova Crystalis. I mean Lightning's mission was to garner all the souls needed to create a new world. And I truly believe XV is that world. We probably won't see any familiar faces though. Maybe some unconscious shop signs or the like indicating past personalities.

I can totally live with that. As long as there are no familiar faces and this game takes place at least a few centuries later to the point where the events of the 13 series are thought about but never mentioned.
All the Final Fantasies have all sorts of religious stuff in them. Means nothing.

If you made a game that didn't have any religious annotations someone would find a way to tie it to something. Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity. ANYTHING.

What does all this mean? Humans are evolutionarily driven pattern recognition machines, that see purpose and meaning in everything eventually. The ones that were bad at recognizing patterns, died from the Tiger.
All the Final Fantasies have all sorts of religious stuff in them. Means nothing.

If you made a game that didn't have any religious annotations someone would find a way to tie it to something. Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity. ANYTHING.

What does all this mean? Humans are evolutionarily driven pattern recognition machines, that see purpose and meaning in everything eventually. The ones that were bad at recognizing patterns, died from the Tiger.
Agreed, I read the Gamespot article and I could stretch nearly any story structure to fit nearly any other Biblical story structure (plus I think they are REAAAAALLLLLYYYY stretching on a lot of their points to make it fit).

Yes, while there is the metaphor of the world being destroyed by Sin, that's a basic storyline that's been told for a long time (ie. technology and sin getting too great, and the "creator" deciding to hit the reset button, reverting the world to a simpler state where it builds up again slowly... etc.).
Agreed, I read the Gamespot article and I could stretch nearly any story structure to fit nearly any other Biblical story structure (plus I think they are REAAAAALLLLLYYYY stretching on a lot of their points to make it fit).

Yes, while there is the metaphor of the world being destroyed by Sin, that's a basic storyline that's been told for a long time (ie. technology and sin getting too great, and the "creator" deciding to hit the reset button, reverting the world to a simpler state where it builds up again slowly... etc.).
Let me take it up to 11 with a perfect example.

BAM! Parody site? for the win!

I think it's a parody. Kinda hard to tell sometime.
Maybe the Fabula Nova Crystallis series is a prequel to FFX, which begins when an evolved version of that World is destroyed. Then the people of Spira use the help of the ghosts of FNC / Dream Zanarkand to overcome the oppressive evil that destroyed the last world and eventually learn space travel, which leads the Shinras to the world in FFVII. Meanwhile, in another planet, the events of FFIX are taking place and lead to a separate group of space travellers, the Cetra, dumping the last of their kind into a craft that sent Aerith to the slums.

Maybe FFVII is Square's magnum opus, and they're not remaking it until the pieces all connect correctly.
Maybe the Fabula Nova Crystallis series is a prequel to FFX, which begins when an evolved version of that World is destroyed. Then the people of Spira use the help of the ghosts of FNC / Dream Zanarkand to overcome the oppressive evil that destroyed the last world and eventually learn space travel, which leads the Shinras to the world in FFVII. Meanwhile, in another planet, the events of FFIX are taking place and lead to a separate group of space travellers, the Cetra, dumping the last of their kind into a craft that sent Aerith to the slums.

Maybe FFVII is Square's magnum opus, and they're not remaking it until the pieces all connect correctly.

That would be very interesting. I'd want to see how they all tie in successfully though. Can't be doing it in such a manner where there are massive plot holes or the like.

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