Final Fantasy X HD Trophy Help

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
As @stolenxnametag just received his platinum and I am well on my way towards it (80 hours in at this point), we've both got a lot of great feedback and tips for working towards your platinum trophy.

Feel free to post your Final Fantasy X HD trophy questions in this thread and we will make sure that we help you on your way to platinum too.
There are both easy and hard ways to acquire lots of the trophies, and only one of them is missable. I've done pretty much everything that can be done in the game now, except for maxxing the luck stats (ain't nobody got time f'dat!). I'll be glad to help anyone find strategies for armor, grinding for fortune spheres, finding that hard-to-encounter monster to capture, or maxxing the sphere grid.

Pro-tip: Dark Yojimbo is the best source of rare armor once you're strong enough to fight him. I got ribbon + break hp limit armor for everyone from him, and he dropped a few master spheres for me, too. I think I got 12 from him altogether, which saved me some fortune sphere grinding. :D

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