First Person Games: Where are your feet?!


PSLS Level: Bronze
So, have you ever just been sitting there playing any type of first person game and you look down and notice you don't have any feet? Am I the only one slightly bothered by this? Granted, I know it takes some extra rendering in order to put that in a game because some developers feel that that time could be spent maybe making other details more polished, but I feel that would be a key feature though to sell the whole "first person" feel. What are your thoughts?
haha I get what you are saying and this is a real fun topic, but it honestly has never bothered me. Seeing as how I am a god like creature, I am used to floating in the air and raining down death to anyone who opposes me!
haha I get what you are saying and this is a real fun topic, but it honestly has never bothered me. Seeing as how I am a god like creature, I am used to floating in the air and raining down death to anyone who opposes me!
But even so, if you were floating in the air, raining a hellfirey death from the heavens, if you looked down you would still see your feet. That is unless you kinda tuck your legs back, but then you'd look weird and people would probably laugh at your attempts to smite those before you haha
But even so, if you were floating in the air, raining a hellfirey death from the heavens, if you looked down you would still see your feet. That is unless you kinda tuck your legs back, but then you'd look weird and people would probably laugh at your attempts to smite those before you haha

Well my feet are usually enveloped in clouds, so they are hard to see anyway :)
My favorite FPS quirk - the shadows freaking out in Killzone: Shadow Fall. For anyone who has it, go take a look. The shadows in that game are hilarious!
Never bothered me, but I do like it when games (like Destiny) bother to program in visible legs/feet in your FoV. Would help tremendously in the first-person games that expect you to do a lot of platforming.
Never bothered me, but I do like it when games (like Destiny) bother to program in visible legs/feet in your FoV. Would help tremendously in the first-person games that expect you to do a lot of platforming.

This right here. I feel like if you're going to be platforming in an FPS, visible feet is the way to go.

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