First Video Game You've Ever Played?

Howl Pendragon

PSLS Level: Bronze
Share the first video game you ever remember playing.
Who was it with? Which system? How old were you? etc.

The first game I remember playing was Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Genesis.
I was about 5 years old and my dad had just bought it along with Ms. Pac-Man.
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Either this or Ms. Pac-Man were the first games I played. The first game I actually owned was either TMNT2 or the Mario/Duck Hunt/Track & Field collection on NES
The first game I remember is either Pac-Man on Atari. I was probably about 4 years old at the time, if that.
My earliest game memory that I have would have to be playing Mario 64 on an N64 with my sister at the age of 4. I think may have sampled Super Mario All-Stars beforehand though but considering I was 1.5 years old, I won't count it. I do remember getting stuck after Bowser's first battle as I didn't think to enter the basement door at all.
If not mistaken, my first games were Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3. Got the NES in '88 when I was 4. I may vaguely remember Pong on an uncle's Atari as well. I tell my parents sometimes that they never should have bought that NES. :p
The first game I have memories of playing was an Apple II game called Jenny's Journeys. You had to drive around town to different locations or something. I also remember playing Atari 2600 games like Pac-Man and such too.
Not sure I remember what exactly my first games were since my father had a coleco vision, and a tandy pc. I do remember playing Zaxxon and Carmen Sandiego very very early in my life before consoles became mainstream.

Played the shit out of Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? though. Such a good game for its time.
Something or other on Atari. Or maybe Colecovision? One of those. Asteroids, Pong, Frogger, Ms. Pac -Man, Mr. Do... The list goes on. No way could I recall precisely which one was my very first. (Hell, some of the titles I named probably weren't even on Atari/Colecovision. Just trying to think of some of the oldest titles I remember, hah.)
My parents had an Atari-2600 when I was born, but I think the first game that I physically played was the original Super Mario Brothers on NES. My parents used to laugh at how exciting it was for me. :-D
Not sure I remember what exactly my first games were since my father had a coleco vision, and a tandy pc. I do remember playing Zaxxon and Carmen Sandiego very very early in my life before consoles became mainstream.

Played the shit out of Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? though. Such a good game for its time.
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego might actually be my first game now that I think about it. It was awesome.

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