Happy 3rd Birthday Vita!


PSLS Level: Silver
Everything Vita
It's been a month of anniversaries for PlayStation, the original PlayStation, the PSP, and the Vita all celebrate their release dates this month. Going by the Japanese launch of course =)

The Vita has turned 3 today, and it has been a strange trip for our favorite under preforming device. It launched with some great first party AAA support, and western support, now it's indie machine that relies almost solely on the Japanese market for it's major titles.

There have been some rough times. Hell, there was a stretch of 11 weeks that only saw 5 games released in that span. The fewest releases in a single month in 2014 has been 4, back in January. Most of us are aware of the Vita's shortcomings, yet can still find the joy in many of the games that have released on the device.

So what have been some of your favorite games, features, moments, these past three years?

Here are some fun numbers:
Total Number of Games Released: 324
2014 Totals: 138
2013 Totals: 101
2012 Totals:85

Average number of games released by month:
January 3.5 (3, 4)
February 14.3 (27, 7, 9)
March 8 (8, 7, 9)
April 8.7 (4, 9, 13)
May 6.3 (4, 4, 11)
June 7.7 (4, 8, 11)
July 8.3 (2, 13, 10)
August 10 (2, 12, 16)
September 8.7 (4, 7, 15)
October 13.7 (17, 12, 12)
November 11 (6, 7, 20)
December 9 (7, 12, 8)
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Already? That went by fast!

I love my Vita, I play with it as much as I have done with anything. Once you get past the advertising BS, the Vita was and still is a great gaming device.

I love playing RPGs on it. The screen looks amazing (I'm owner of the original model, not the 2000), and the experience is super immersive.

P4G and of course, Hyperdimesion Neptunia Re;Birth1 (a game I've championed for a long time now), are some of my favorites.

I also love small indie titles, though. Even though they are available on other platforms, I like the controls on the Vita (vs. touchscreen, say), and I love the portability (vs. PC, say).

Is it perfect? Far from it.

Do I love it? Hell yes.

It's much like my cat: I have to pick its shit up, but it gives me love, so I'm calling it even.
I bought my original OLED model on February 22nd (NA official launch date), then bought the BL2 bundle with the 2000 model. I also own the PS TV. I have bought 2 64gb cards (1 died), for it too.

It's been my primary gaming device over these (nearly) 3 years. Super Stardust Delta, Disgaea 3, Rayman Origins, Sound Shapes, Gravity Rush, Assassin's Creed: Liberation, Mortal Kombat, & Uncharted Golden: Abyss were some of my favorite 2012 titles. In 2013 Soul Sacrifice, Jak Collection (still playing it...), Tearaway, Hotline Miami and Killzone Mercenary were my standouts.

For awhile I had the 20V1T4 in my sig. A play on that 2014 is the Year of the Vita for me. And it really has been. I finally played & loved Guacamelee!. Danganronpa, and Danganronpa 2, which have become my favorite gaming franchise. Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment which is an awesome RPG based on one my favorite animes. Freedom Wars has been pretty good, and then there are the games that I still need to play that released this year. Like Hyperdimension Neptunia and Akiba's Trip.

Vita Front Screen.jpg
Vita Game Screen.jpg

I edited the top page to have some numbers that I added together.
I totally got my PS vita by pure luck; I found it on the seat of the train on my way home. XD

Happy 3rd birthday! Sorry, been busy reducing my sentence.
There have been months at a time where I don't touch my Vita at all, but I still don't regret buying it. Games like Persona 4 Golden, Freedom Wars, and Sword Art Online have made it completely worth buying.
There have been months at a time where I don't touch my Vita at all, but I still don't regret buying it. Games like Persona 4 Golden, Freedom Wars, and Sword Art Online have made it completely worth buying.

Add Re;birth1 and thats my complete list of games.

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