Hotline Miami


PSLS Level: Bronze
It's coming to PS4. Yes, the first one. Yes, it's still cross-buy.

Seems the forums just gobble up any Youtube link and automatically embed it. :-/ Anyway, skip to 7m29s.
that's nice i have it on steam and i played like 1hr just for the steam cards xD dont get me wrong i like it but i felt this game needed a console version (in know there is a ps3/vita version) so im grabbing it now on ps4 cuz that's the only console i have now :)
that's nice i have it on steam and i played like 1hr just for the steam cards xD dont get me wrong i like it but i felt this game needed a console version (in know there is a ps3/vita version) so im grabbing it now on ps4 cuz that's the only console i have now :)
You had a Vita? What made you get rid of it? It has some great games, and it's honestly what I prefer playing Hotline Miami on.
Awesome to hear, I played through it on the Vita. Not sure if I'd play through it again, but another cross buy game on the PS4 is always welcomed.
I just like their approach of if you buy it once you should own it on all consoles. What a great outlook to have for someone who makes games.
That's pretty cool. I'm really liking the whole cross-buy feature that Sony seems to be encouraging. Even nicer when developers like this embrace it wholeheartedly.
That's pretty cool. I'm really liking the whole cross-buy feature that Sony seems to be encouraging. Even nicer when developers like this embrace it wholeheartedly.
Yeah way better than Nintendo and Microsoft's

"Buy it once and hope nothing breaks" policies. XD

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