PS4 Update 1.75 Adds 3D bluray support

Hybrid Extreme

PSLS Level: Newbie
Yes, its true. I just installed it moments ago. Also, during the last system update which was simply described as adding stability to the PS4 software, I discovered I was able to watch all Youtube videos. Prior to the update some video wouldn't play due to "missing plug in" issues. Now it looks like Youtube is able to play all videos. Thanks Sony. :)
I personally still use my PS3 for all my Bluray and streaming needs. I am glad that 3D has made it to the PS4 though. I may decide to watch something on it in the future.
I personally still use my PS3 for all my Bluray and streaming needs. I am glad that 3D has made it to the PS4 though. I may decide to watch something on it in the future.
Is there any word whether or not the blu-ray on PS4 would be better than PS3?

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