Infamous Second Son - everything you know

Are you kidding me?! Britain isn't even on the list of countries for the freaking thing, damn it Sony are pissing me off with this blatant ignorance towards my country.
Kit came in today. I tested 93% positive for the Conduit gene. And I have the ability to control, manipulate, and harness concrete.
I got my test kit in today and just finished up the test, 86% for a Smoke conduit.

Those scratch cards, one smelt like burning wood, the second smelt kinda floral and the third... death.
It is absolutely amazing. And I consider graphical fidelity the least important aspect, but it absolutely shocked me how damn fluid and alive the characters are. Better than anything I've seen Hollywood do. Seattle is gorgeous as well. And I love all the little details that really bring the world to life. So far, the dynamic between the two brothers is just awesome. And everything about the gameplay feels improved upon both inFamous and inFamous 2. It just flows so smoothly. This is shaping up to be one of my favorite games in the last few years.
Im 94% positive for conduitism type: Pressurized Water
Not a big fan of the spoilers it revealed with the following paragraph but it let my imagination flow with the possibilities that a power will bring in this game. Man am i ever so hyped and excited
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Im 94% position for conduitism for type: Pressurized Water
Not a big fan of the spoilers it revealed with the following paragraph but it let my imagination flow with the possibilities that a power will bring in this game. Man am i ever so hyped and excited

Well they've already stated water isn't in there. And I haven't come across it. They said that in Seattle water would just be way too available to be a balanced power.
It is absolutely amazing. And I consider graphical fidelity the least important aspect, but it absolutely shocked me how damn fluid and alive the characters are. Better than anything I've seen Hollywood do. Seattle is gorgeous as well. And I love all the little details that really bring the world to life. So far, the dynamic between the two brothers is just awesome. And everything about the gameplay feels improved upon both inFamous and inFamous 2. It just flows so smoothly. This is shaping up to be one of my favorite games in the last few years.

Cant wait to play later today after i get out of school
Well they've already stated water isn't in there. And I haven't come across it. They said that in Seattle water would just be way too available to be a balanced power.
Yeah i read that too, since we already talking about it, the paragraph stated [POSSIBLE SPOILER] how you can absorb the power from drainage pipes off buildings and other ways, and how you can use the water to subdue enemies without harm (probably a power exclusive to good karma playthrough)
So im thinking maybe they said that about water powers to throw us off lol.
Yeah i read that too, since we already talking about it, the paragraph stated [POSSIBLE SPOILER] how you can absorb the power from drainage pipes off buildings and other ways, and how you can use the water to subdue enemies without harm (probably a power exclusive to good karma playthrough)
So im thinking maybe they said that about water powers to throw us off lol.

Nah, I think they were honest. Not all powers on the Paper Trail are going to be featured. I did get concrete though.
Don't ignore paper trail! It's not 'over' when you think!

Paper Trail is episodic content they'll be unlocking over the next six weeks. However when finishing the first mission in the game, it sorta makes you think you're finished with the episode. You're not. You must login to the Paper Trail website and scan through the clues you have.

Because there is no spoiler code here, I'll just leave this hint. You need to visit a website that a clue points you toward.

There are a total of three missions in the first part.
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