

PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
My wife decided that she wanted to watch the full series of Inuyasha recently since all of it is now on Hulu. Soon thereafter, she discovered that the second Inuyasha series (Inuyasha: The Final Act), a mere 26 episodes that finishes the story of the manga, is also available. Now that I've sat down and watched most of the series with her, and we're 5 episodes from the end of The Final Act, I'm left with one question:

"Why does Naraku wear baboon pelts through most of the series?"

There has been no explanation within the anime. Have any of you read the manga and seen the answer?
My wife decided that she wanted to watch the full series of Inuyasha recently since all of it is now on Hulu. Soon thereafter, she discovered that the second Inuyasha series (Inuyasha: The Final Act), a mere 26 episodes that finishes the story of the manga, is also available. Now that I've sat down and watched most of the series with her, and we're 5 episodes from the end of The Final Act, I'm left with one question:

"Why does Naraku wear baboon pelts through most of the series?"

There has been no explanation within the anime. Have any of you read the manga and seen the answer?

because deep down, he's a monkey lover. he thinks they are adorable.
The anime was an absolute joke as they recycled fights over and over again, went nowhere with the story and then ended it on such a cliffhanger that I was pissed for ever wasting that much time on an anime.
Inuyasha is actually the only anime that I have ever watched. I liked the combination of fighting and a love story, granted I'm sure there are a lot of other anime series out there that would also fit that bill. But this is the only one that I have sat down and watched.
The anime was an absolute joke as they recycled fights over and over again, went nowhere with the story and then ended it on such a cliffhanger that I was pissed for ever wasting that much time on an anime.
The story was finished in the series Inuyasha: The Final Act. It's 26 episodes, and it picks up right where Inuyasha left off. If you want to waste some more time, it's on Hulu. :-D
Don't watch Naruto, don't watch Bleach.

Ranma 1/2
Yu Yu Hakusho

but if you watch neither of those 2 watch

Hajime No Ippo

Watch that last one and you will be so satisfied. An amazing anime amazing fights. Wondering if a character will fight again, or if that broken rib will be permanent, if someone's going to die in the ring. So brutal, so painful. Remember when they break bones in Mortal Kombat? It's like that.
The character development is intense. Also, the show does a really good job of filling plotholes, even the obscure ones that you forget about for 200 or more episodes.
Jeez. Why? I mean that sounds like a stupid question. But what could they talk about for that long in a series?
Captain Moran Arc: Show starts
Buggy Arc: Zoro joins Nami partners up
Kuro Arc: Usopp joins
Don Krieg Arc: Sanji joins
Arlong Arc: Nami joins
Buggy Side Story Arc:
Loguetown Arc: The story of the show's title One Piece
The Warship Island Arc: anime only
Reverse Mountain Arc: start of Grand Line story
Whiskey Peak Arc: Meet Vivi which preludes to Alabasta
Koby/Helmeppo Side Story Arc: returning characters from the first few arks in their marine hijinks.
Little Garden Arc: A character gets sick
Drum Island Arc: Tony Tony Chopper joins and they try to save the sick character
Alabasta Arc: Vivi leaves the group, Crocodile is the villain
Post Alabasta Arc: Nico Robin joins
Goat Island Arc: comedy anime only arc
Rainbow Mist Arc:
Jaya Arc: prequel to Skypiea Arc:
Skypiea Arc: Take on someone called God who lives in clouds where everyone has wings
G8 Arc:
Davy Back Fight Arc: short comedy arc
Ocean's Dream Arc: Memory loss short mini arc
Water 7 Arc: Franky Joins
Enies Lobby Arc: Rescue Robin, Robin's backstory and she truly joins the team no more doubts Luffy starts declaring war on the world government and bounties skyrocket from here on out.
Post-Enies Lobby Arc: New ship

(going off of memory now... my cheat sheet is finished)

Thriller Bark Arc: Beat up the first Shikibukai (1 of 7 Warlords that rule the world)

Luffy ends up in an underwater prison fighting to save someone from the most secure prison in the world

There's a huge war that shakes the world,

There's a section where everyone gets separated and everyone learns new tricks and then meets up years later Usopp being buff all of a sudden, as an example. Luffy has a giant scar. Some pivotal characters die world gets thrown into chaos.

They go underwater and have a huge arc biggest to date.

An arc where they are an Island called Punk Hazard destroyed by a biological explosion.

Then I didn't get around to keep watching it. Gotta get back to it.

They still have to resolve things with Shanks, the rest of the Shikibukai, a whole bunch of other characters have to be resolved and will be....

Series probably going to end up being 1k episodes. I mean they just introduced in the 600's Luffy's childhood friends in his backstory, and they haven't appeared in the story for decades, so who knows what rabbit hole they are leading the story down.
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Hmmm might have to check it out. What's the show itself about?
Start with Hajime No Ippo.

You'll love the anime. Really good fight scenes, maybe 100 or so episodes, it's a boxing anime, has some comedy, romance, it's one of the most intense anime out there.

Yu Yu Hakusho like I said is another good one. Ranma 1/2 is written by the creator of Inuyasha.

I don't know if I can recommend tackling the over 600 episode behemoth that is One Piece. You can try... most of the series is good, but it can drag at times.

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