
Hmmm might have to check it out. What's the show itself about?
A kid that wants to become the King of the Pirates. It has its own universe with its own complex geography, folklore, and other elements that any other world would have - but it's mostly explained throughout the series. If you like Dragon Ball, Naruto, or Yu Yu Hakusho, then you would like it.

Yu Yu Hakusho like I said is another good one.
Yu Yu Hakusho was awesome until the last 10 or 15 episodes! The end of that seemed really rushed.
All that stuff you said..

You probably want to remove that, ti's a bit spoilerish.

Yu Yu Hakusho is a great anime from the 90s, fighting, love story, hilarious English dialog. It, One PIece and Trigun are probably my favorite anime out there.
Edit: Full disclosure, there is a bit of a plateau in YYH. The last two arcs aren't as great as the first half of the show, but they aren't bad. Ending feels a little rushed yeah, but I was satisfied.
Death Note is a different style, but very enjoyable and another personal favorite.

As for Inuyasha I enjoyed it back when I watched it. I need to see the final act here at some point.

As for why One Piece is so long, it's because the manga is so long. The Hajime no Ippo mange was in the 840s when I stopped reading and that was years ago, it's now up to 1042 issues. Meaning it's been coming out pretty much every week for something like 20 years. One Piece has been around 10 to 12 years now.

One Piece is just on a scale you don't see. It's an epic adventure taken on the most epic scale. There's plots, subplots, sub-subplots, character development, good, evil, fighting, relationships, and everything in between. The basics are Monkey D. Luffy claims he's going to be king of the pirates. From there he tries to gather a crew and prove that by finding the One Piece a treasure that was hidden by the former king of the pirates Gold Roger.
You probably want to remove that, ti's a bit spoilerish.

As for why One Piece is so long, it's because the manga is so long. The Hajime no Ippo mange was in the 840s when I stopped reading and that was years ago, it's now up to 1042 issues. Meaning it's been coming out pretty much every week for something like 20 years. One Piece has been around 10 to 12 years now.
One Piece celebrated its 15th anniversary back in January. I'm still convinced that it will never end.

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