Just Dance Series


PSLS Level: Bronze
So for all the shit I've given the series... I finally bought one.

Did a price match to Amazon via Target to knock the price down to $30 and then I used Cartwheel to bump 40% off and so I got the game for $18 dollars.

For all the crap I've given the game series I'm having fun with it.

All that being said, it's pretty crappy.

I feel like the Dancatars are really hard to follow, there's no calibration settings, there's no camera + Move option, the game has crashed on me once already, the camera stops reading my movements periodically, even though I have not moved my feet, it tracks specific areas of the dance floor, but the avatars move around, and there's no tutorial, so if you move around, you'll be dancing on someone elses and thus for them and it's really counter intuitive, you have to learn the game, through trial and error.

My worst complaint of all is personal to me and that when you're tired, there's no practice mode or watch mode, so you have to go to youtube or something to watch the choreography to get an idea of what happens or what you maybe are supposed to do when the dancer is spinning around and right afterwards, and if you just want to listen to the music that is really difficult. Not only that but if want to just use it as a music player at night, while people are asleep, you have to have the lights on with the camera to activate the whole dancing, because it has to have enough light to see you, so you can't sort of be sneaky about it, if you just want to watch the choreography while the lights are off (or in my case when my wife is sleeping in the room since the only t.v.s with HDMI are in the bedroom)

If I was doing a full review I would say that the game is probably a 5 or 6 out of 10.

If you love dancing though you will have tons of fun, DESPITE Just Dance, being an awful experience.

Everybody Dance did everything in my opinion a dozen times better than Just Dance does it on the PS4.

Everybody Dance even had a free to play standalone that allowed you to buy the songs you wanted without having to buy the whole disk. Just Dance is a lazy attempt at making a party game. It's the "Turn off the lights, give everyone drugs, glow sticks, and put on the radio" kinda party and while yes that can be fun, it's not healthy to party that way exclusively.

World Dance Mode is basically the saving grace of the game. It's different, it's unique, it's basically everyone is playing at home, and kinda against other people, but with other people. Basically people pick sides, and the side that did the most stars wins, and everyone gets rewards. It's fun, it's different, it makes you feel like you're not the only weirdo swinging your arms around.

My only hope is that the Singstar Team have Dance stuff in the new Singstar cause I liked Singstar+Dance more than this, I just like the tracks on this more than Singstar+Dance.
I've only had a little experience with the series, mostly just a few hours played on my sister's Wii a few years ago... It really surprised me how little content the game had, not to mention that the tracking wasn't that great since it mostly just sensed arm movements and you could fool the system the more you played it.

To tell the truth, I kind of want to try the Dance Central games for Kinect because I know that Harmonix knows a thing or two about making a good rhythm game. The Metascore being higher for the DC games over JD seems to corroborate this pretty well.
Hence why i prefer ddr
DDR is great and all but I live on the top floor. So... can't really play. Not unless I want to get reported for building an earthquake machine up here. I'm 350 pounds. My left ankle is messed up from a powerwalk gone wrong a year and a half ago so I probably can't do DDR.

Pump It Up is a way better game anyway but even less of those have been made. Haven't seen one since PS2.

No matter how good your feet dancing games are, if you want choreographed dances those games are kinda the exact wrong thing, so depending on your mood those games aren't enough anyway. At the end of the day if you cheat the dances, your video of yourself will look terrible, or you can make great videos without even bothering to use the actual choreography.

So when it comes to dance games, all the strengths are also weaknesses, all the weaknesses can also be strengths. It depends on your style and since I'm a Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none Singstar will be my baby.
I didn't want to do a review for the actual game, since I'd be reviewing it at a low score, and a review for this game is kinda stupid, because at the end of the day, what matters is how much you want to do choreographed dancing and whether you like the track list.

No awesome mechanics can POSSIBLY make you enjoy a game if you hate the track list, and no amazing tracks can make up for if you just don't like choreographed dancing.

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