Just Finished Gone Home...

josh fernandes

PSLS Level: Newbie
Major Spoilers Ahead.

The first time I heard about this game is when GiantBomb gave it their #3 or #4 game of the year for 2013. They all seem to really like the game, so I picked it up on steam. I agree that it's a great story but I think it is a terrible "game." The environment and gameplay don't have much of an impact on the narrative. I admit that in the first hour I had this sense of dread as I walked around the empty house, but then It becomes obvious that I am just going to be reading a love story the whole time, and nothing else is going to happen. Gone Home would have been an awesome short story, but having to walk down a semi-linear path to access the story is not fun.

It is a really good story though.
Major Spoilers Ahead.

The first time I heard about this game is when GiantBomb gave it their #3 or #4 game of the year for 2013. They all seem to really like the game, so I picked it up on steam. I agree that it's a great story but I think it is a terrible "game." The environment and gameplay don't have much of an impact on the narrative. I admit that in the first hour I had this sense of dread as I walked around the empty house, but then It becomes obvious that I am just going to be reading a love story the whole time, and nothing else is going to happen. Gone Home would have been an awesome short story, but having to walk down a semi-linear path to access the story is not fun.

It is a really good story though.
Do you have the same complaints about TellTale games?
I disagree, I actually really enjoyed the game. I believe I had a different expectation going in though, since I knew what I was getting into. I knew there was no fighting, no enemies, and it was just exploration. The environment is there to explore and get a sense of what these characters likes are without them explaining it to you.

Is it a game, hard to say, but I enjoyed it no matter what you call it.
Do you have the same complaints about TellTale games?

Well, there's a lot more going on in a TellTale game. TellTale games have puzzles and consequences for your actions. In Gone Home, It didn't matter if I visited the TV room before the sitting room. I picked up all the notes anyway. You're just there to witness an event, and figure out what happened while you were gone. Does the fact that you are playing as Katie actually matter? If you were a stranger walking through this house picking up all the pieces, wouldn't the story have the same impact?
Well, there's a lot more going on in a TellTale game. TellTale games have puzzles and consequences for your actions. In Gone Home, It didn't matter if I visited the TV room before the sitting room. I picked up all the notes anyway. You're just there to witness an event, and figure out what happened while you were gone. Does the fact that you are playing as Katie actually matter? If you were a stranger walking through this house picking up all the pieces, wouldn't the story have the same impact?
I don't know I haven't played the game.

I just wanted to know if the experience was similar to Wolf Among Us or if it's more like an interactive story book.
I don't know I haven't played the game.

I just wanted to know if the experience was similar to Wolf Among Us or if it's more like an interactive story book.

Well it's definitely a story book. It's not really that interactive unless you really like picking up objects and spinning them around.
I disagree, I actually really enjoyed the game. I believe I had a different expectation going in though, since I knew what I was getting into. I knew there was no fighting, no enemies, and it was just exploration. The environment is there to explore and get a sense of what these characters likes are without them explaining it to you.

Is it a game, hard to say, but I enjoyed it no matter what you call it.

I knew all that too. And the game started out really strongly. I like how the game teased that something bad happened with the hair dye in the bath tub that looked like blood, and the father's ramblings on the board that looked like crazy talk from The Shinning......and the story definitely gives you a "well fuck" feeling at the end. I just don't understand how exploring the house added to the story. All the stuff i noticed why exploring was never answered. why are all the VCR's missing? are the parents getting a divorce? why do i know literally nothing about katie?
I think I would've enjoyed it a lot better if it hadn't been spoiled for me. Like if I had gone in there thinking it was a horror game and gotten something completely different, that would've definitely made an impression on me.

$20 for a game like that was ridiculous anyway.

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