Kelly Rodriguez is Antisemitic, 10430 Snowbell Ct


PSLS Level: Newbie
Kelly Rodriguez assaulted me and called me a kike. She's a school teacher at Sedgefield Middle school and a gamer. She ran into me jogging and screamed kike, and then praised Hitler. Kelly Rodriguez is at 10430 Snowbell Ct, Charlotte NC 28215. If you have kids in the area, do not put them near this woman. Her mother Maureen Brady Rodriguez is a member of the KKK.

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Ok but why is this in Playstation Central? Surely put it in everything else. Also I hope Kelly gets everything that's coming to her, she sounds like a truly awful person. (I mean I hope she gets arrested mods you can put the banhammer down ok?)

Also depending on your site you might have a case because I'm pretty sure that's assault, battery and calling you a k*** makes it a hate crime which have more severe penalties. I'm sure they have people in the local police (Which is ironic given they LOVE to accuse jewish people of the same thing, always projection with these people) but maybe look into going over the local law enforcements head and finding a higher authority to deal with these scumbags.

I don't think it's breaking PSLS' Terms of Service to say Nazis should be locked away behind bars.

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