Listen Up People: FCC approves plan to allow for paid priority on Internet

Yuck, that's awful. Why the Hell would anyone think that's a good idea. Seriously, you are killing innovation and growth if you treat websites like cable channels. I like having even speeds no matter what I use my internet for.
The general issue is that most of the people who are deciding these matters have very little concept about what is really going on with the internet and how it has become a cultural link for a whole generation of people. I just cannot fathom the idea that people think it is a good idea to try and punish people for using a service they pay for, while trying to help those who don't use something they pay for. This would be like adjusting someone's taxes based on the amount they drive, since their footprint would cost less to repair the roads.

Deciding what you use the bandwith you pay for is a personal freedom. If you choose to only look at cat pics online, then that is your decision and should not weigh against someone who watches movies instead.

"The FCC will now open the proposal to a total 120 days of public comment." - Where do we comment?
Looks like those clowns in congress are at it again.
What a bunch of clowns.

This will lead to jacked-up internet prices for sure. The rich and powerful will lie about their intentions beforehand, like always, and then pull a fast one and try to act like it's good. They'll feed you shit and tell you it's a brownie. Don't bite.

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