Name Some Awesome Documentries

I personally like the health discussion too, but I do think this would get more attention in its own thread.

On topic, I don't watch many documentaries, and when I do they are usually sports-related. A lot of interesting 30 for 30s out there if you are a sports fan.
On topic, I don't watch many documentaries, and when I do they are usually sports-related. A lot of interesting 30 for 30s out there if you are a sports fan.

Not really a big sports fan, thanks though.

I have been watching Treasure Quest on the Discovery Channel, I think that is my version of trash TV or Reality TV. I just have it on in the background while I try and put together an article or when I just need to space out for a few mins. Still need to check out some of the ones recommended earlier.
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Tried watching Zeitgeist: The Movie and couldn't get past the obnoxious intro and voice over. Now on to something else.
Tried watching Zeitgeist: The Movie and couldn't get past the obnoxious intro and voice over. Now on to something else.
That was my initial experience to watching Zeitgeist. Also, some details sounded a bit too perfect to fit into the documentary, so I went on a quest to fact check things. What I found instead was a website that debunked a large portion of the documentary's facts. By a large portion, I mean - almost all of it. It's well cited, too.
"The Pervert's Guide to Ideology" I am not sure if it classifies as a documentary, but the analysis of the movies it provides is fantastic and it will make you want to watch some of the great movies they analyze.
I'm late to this party buuuut:

-All of the BBC's "Planet Earth" are amazing.
-For the hell of modern warfare: "Restrepo"
-Historical stuff: "The Fog of War."
-Holy shit, that's messed up: "The Act of Killing"
-"The World at War" is the best World War II doc out there, probably. Was made in the 70's so there are a lot of interviews with people who lived through it and who were still, you know, I don't wanna be offensive but like, they weren't remembering things that happened 60 years earlier. It was a fresher memory being recalled by more correct minds. Really fascinating. It's like 20 parts though, so don't expect to finish it in one day or even one week.

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