Octodad DC is out today on US PSN!!!


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
I have to say that I have been looking forward to this game. I might buy it today and even stream it :) what do you guys think? Would you buy it and would you watch the streaming?
ITs hard. Its funny. Weird but its good. It is difficult because you have to learn the moves ( controls ) of the Octopus and that is not simple.
I loved the game when it first came out on PC this year, hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did. Wasn't it going to be free off of PS+? If it is, then you guys have no excuse

Play it via local two player co-op!!!!

My wife's little sister is visiting us this week for her spring break, and her and my wife were playing it on two player mode before I went to work. It's hilarious! Each player controls different tentacles. hahahaha
Dear God, co-op is so damn hard. We each controlled a side of him and it got super frustrating, but was hilarious too. It would be easier if one person controlled the arms and one person did legs.

Super short game though. Without a guide of any kind, and getting stuck in a few places, I finished it in under 2 hours.
Dear God, co-op is so damn hard. We each controlled a side of him and it got super frustrating, but was hilarious too. It would be easier if one person controlled the arms and one person did legs.

Super short game though. Without a guide of any kind, and getting stuck in a few places, I finished it in under 2 hours.
The wife and sister finished it today. I got home from work this morning and watered my plants, and I came back into the house to them laughing hysterically until I finally fell asleep. The laughter alone told me that I should play it. :-D

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