Outernauts - Mobile

Will you play (or want to play) the Mobile version of Outernauts

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PSLS Level: Newbie
As a former Outernauts enthusiast (and the co-founder of the Outernauts Wikia site), I am excited to try the iOS version.

Any former players making the jump?

I thought it was so much fun, and the community was strong. When they added alliances, it made the game very competitive. Ending the FB version really pissed players off, including some of the biggest players. I look forward to the iOS version, though. I enjoy Clash of Clans and I think it could be similar...

I thought it was so much fun, and the community was strong. When they added alliances, it made the game very competitive. Ending the FB version really pissed players off, including some of the biggest players. I look forward to the iOS version, though. I enjoy Clash of Clans and I think it could be similar...
If it's like Clash of Clans it will probably be huge, everyone plays that game.
Haha! Small world, I used to help with the Outernauts Wiki back in the early days. I wanna say I created a few of the infoboxes, hell I just checked and I was/am an admin. Look at your talk page and we even had some back and forth. :p

Edit: Just looked at the little EvoBox Template I wrote, touched twice in around two years. So I guess it worked well. :D

As much as I loved the game, it being facebook-ified killed it for me. I just go so tired of the stupid energy system and the long waits just to make the smallest of progress. I'll probably check it out when the re-release it, but in all honesty I'm not getting my hopes up.
Awesome! I remember :)

They killed the energy system a while ago, and the micro transactions that EA tried to shove down our throats were all but eliminated right after. It was a much more enjoyable game when they backed off...

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