Picked up a Gear 2 Neo


Staff member
So I picked one up to pair with my Samsung Note 2 and I am just curious if anyone else has one and what they think of it so far?

My initial impressions are it is lighter than I expected, has a lot more functionality than I expected, and it is just plain cool answer a call on your phone and feeling like a DAMN SPY!!


Back on subject, just an overall cool device. I can check messages, answer calls, play music, emails, etc!
So I picked one up to pair with my Samsung Note 2 and I am just curious if anyone else has one and what they think of it so far?

My initial impressions are it is lighter than I expected, has a lot more functionality than I expected, and it is just plain cool answer a call on your phone and feeling like a DAMN SPY!!


Back on subject, just an overall cool device. I can check messages, answer calls, play music, emails, etc!
Like a Power Ranger!!!

How useful is it? That's why I haven't bought any wearables yet. I just can't justify it until I find a special use for them.
I mean it is useful though not 100 percent needed.. though it is kind of nice to not have to pull my phone out of my pocket to see a text..

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