PlayStation Vita PS Plus Titles


PSLS Level: Silver
Is there any word when we will see an update for some of the free titles on the Vita? Some have been on there forever.
Purely speculation, but I think the best chance will be when they replace PS3's year long titles (June-ish?). I think they passed on replacing them last time since Vita had them for less than a year.

They are getting long in the tooth and they need to be replaced. Even though I own both already I'm kinda hoping for Killzone Mercs and LittleBigPlanet or Tearaway for the 2nd title.
Purely speculation, but I think the best chance will be when they replace PS3's year long titles (June-ish?). I think they passed on replacing them last time since Vita had them for less than a year.

They are getting long in the tooth and they need to be replaced. Even though I own both already I'm kinda hoping for Killzone Mercs and LittleBigPlanet or Tearaway for the 2nd title.
Killzone Mercs and Tearaway would be awesome. Also because I don't own them yet :p
Purely speculation, but I think the best chance will be when they replace PS3's year long titles (June-ish?). I think they passed on replacing them last time since Vita had them for less than a year.

They are getting long in the tooth and they need to be replaced. Even though I own both already I'm kinda hoping for Killzone Mercs and LittleBigPlanet or Tearaway for the 2nd title.

I'm pretty certain LBP was a PS+ launch title, which I missed (of course).

Still surprised at the anniversary sales price on the Killzone was that low last week. I had just purchased the physical for $25'ish on eBay a couple of weeks before, beat the game, and flipped it on eBay for $25. Just lucked out the buyer doesn't have or didn't see that $17.99 download. That price drop might mean something is in the works for PS+. I'm hopeful OlliOlli and Guacamelee are both PS+ games.

I'd be fine if PS+ flipped between Gravity Rush and Uncharted, but having both is just taking up space.
Ive had my vita since 2012 and have only boughten Killzone Mercenary, Marvel V capcom and Playstation All Stars battle royale because ps+ has given me so many vita titles
Ive had my vita since 2012 and have only boughten Killzone Mercenary, Marvel V capcom and Playstation All Stars battle royale because ps+ has given me so many vita titles
Yeah. That's why I typically don't buy the titles anymore. Because everything they gave I already owned and bought at launch.

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