PS Plus Hate

I would eventually like to see a high budget/mainstream game released on PS+ ps4 but i'm happy with what they are offering.

Also does anyone know if I'll be able to plug my Galaxy s4 into the ps4 to play music with firmware 2.0?

They confirmed it WON'T work with iPods, and iPhones HOWEVER, if you have the folder structure right, MAYBE just MAYBE it will work with your phone. Hard to say though.
Thanks for the info, its not big deal I could always buy a usb storage device those things aren't expensive.
Thanks for the info, its not big deal I could always buy a usb storage device those things aren't expensive.
You can find out tomorrow. Just put your phone in USB mode and see if it works. Maybe put a PS4 and then music folder on your phone, and some albums in there, or try putting the albums in the main directory.

Those are the 3 things I'd try.
You can find out tomorrow. Just put your phone in USB mode and see if it works. Maybe put a PS4 and then music folder on your phone, and some albums in there, or try putting the albums in the main directory.

Those are the 3 things I'd try.

I would try those suggestions but my phone has been overheating and i'm not sure what is going on with it. Galaxy s4 the over heating just started happening today after the wife played a few games on the phone earlier and it is taking a while for it to cool down even while off.
I'm a bit let down in the data transfer area of the ps4. I was expecting more from it but it failed to deliver. I guess that's something they didn't want to bring over from the ps3. The ability to transfer data (pictures and music) using thumb drive or phone, hell not even the vita can transfer that stuff to the ps4.
I'm a bit let down in the data transfer area of the ps4. I was expecting more from it but it failed to deliver. I guess that's something they didn't want to bring over from the ps3. The ability to transfer data (pictures and music) using thumb drive or phone, hell not even the vita can transfer that stuff to the ps4.
They focused on making the PS4 a gaming first device.

Adding photos, means they have to develop all new apps to make sorting, tagging, and everything easier, and they already have that sort of stuff on the PS3 and you can use a VIta T.V. for slide shows anyway.

They probably don't want you to put your music library on the PS4 (if it isn't a selfish reason like Music Unlimited) because they know probably 70% of PS4 users will one day have to put in a new hard drive.

So I'm sure they don't want people going through and editing their entire catalogue to appear nicely on the PS4, and then upgrade their hard drive and have to do it all over again or make the data redundant. Lots of people want to put 20GB of music on their systems. Versus just having a hub for their PS4 and plugging in one of the $8 flash drives.

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