PS4 Rapid Disc Eject Error Finally Solved!


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
Yesterday I learned something awesome about my PS4: it has magical powers and can work without being plugged into the wall. After searching through several troubleshooting articles for the PS4 Disc Eject Error (where it keeps beeping and the eject motors are rapidly moving as if the console had a hangover), I finally found a fix for my issue:

1. Turn off the PS4. Wait for it to shut down completely.
2. Unplug everything completely from it.
3. Hold down the power button on the console for approximately 10 seconds (that's right - with no power plugged into it). It will probably beep at you, but do not be alarmed. That is supposed to happen.
4. Wait at least 10 more seconds, and then plug all of your cables into the PS4 and turn it on. Problem solved!

This problem has been going on sporadically for the last several months, but I did not want to send my PS4 to Sony. I would rather keep it and find ways to fix it manually. Also, it would be very unfortunate if they kept my 1tb SSHD and sent me a new PS4. I would be pissed!
I had this same issue a while back, but found out it was the little rubber pad at the bottom of the console that was some how moved just enough to mess with the eject button

it's a very annoying problem but at least in my case it had a no cost fix and hasn't reappeared!
I had this same issue a while back, but found out it was the little rubber pad at the bottom of the console that was some how moved just enough to mess with the eject button

it's a very annoying problem but at least in my case it had a no cost fix and hasn't reappeared!
Thanks and welcome to the forums!

Removing the rubber pad temporarily worked for me as well, but I soon discovered that sometimes the console just gets pissed off and doesn't want to cooperate. The fix that I listed above seems to be the one that works the longest for me. Also, check the discs to make sure they are not dirty. I had one that kept ejecting solely because it had a few thumbprints on it. :D
I had the same problem and finally I realised that the problem depends on your AC distributor. I had 3-4 things plugged in and my ps4 ejected the disc every 5 minutes making me totally insane... but i tried to unplug the unnecessary things and the problem has been solved. Here's how:

One more thing which will sound a little bit ridiculous.

When only my TV and PS4 was plugged in the ps was still doing the problem.. The TV was in the first slot (the one wich is the nearest to the red switch) and the ps4 was in the last one (I have 8-9 slots). But when I changed the slot of the PS4 and put it next to the TV's slot the problem disappeared!
It was 3 weeks ago, and I had a lot of free time so I used my ps4 as much as possible and I didn't have the problem since this change. There must be some kind of relation between the power distribution and the usage of PS4 which looks to be really sensible to this.

I hope it helps, try changing the slots and don't worry you don't have to send it to Sony to refurbish your console.

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