PSLS iOS and Android App Now Live!

The app is awesome. The only additions I can suggest would be custom notifications and ability to comment on articles.

Keep up the good hard work guys.

Ps, I miss morning wood (Edit, it looks like morning wood is just hidden somewhere in my YouTube) and bad gamers but understand that life happens.
The app is awesome. The only additions I can suggest would be custom notifications and ability to comment on articles.

Keep up the good hard work guys.

Ps, I miss morning wood (Edit, it looks like morning wood is just hidden somewhere in my YouTube) and bad gamers but understand that life happens.

Point taken! We're always looking to improve your experience!
i jus downLoaded the PSLS app for android
hopin' to playaround with it to see the difference between the app and the browser version
Got it today. Nice app but with me, only one problem.
The 'PS4' section constantly says error.
Everything else is fine.

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