PSLS' Morning Wood Ep. 057: The Strong Opinions of Jebediah Wood


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
Handlebar neckbeards are super necessary! I recently traded long hair for a Mohawk, so I cut my hair and beard at the same time. Neckbeards happen!

I haven't checked my Sony rewards points in a while, but I should. I occasionally order things from their store, and I buy most of my games on PSN. Maybe I'll get DriveClub for free!

My answer to crossgen remasters - wait for PS Now.

Parkour Wood sounds like a porn star name.

I have a similar issue where I never ragequit, so maybe I should take Dyani's advice, too. My philosophy has always been, "Quitters never win." I'm childish and hate saying that I never win.

Also, I understand the Death Breath scenario. Jebediah, fix your breath!
I have a similar issue where I never ragequit, so maybe I should take Dyani's advice, too. My philosophy has always been, "Quitters never win." I'm childish and hate saying that I never win.
I just proved this correct!! Never ragequit, and I just go the "This is Living" trophy on PS All Stars tonight!! Soooo happy about that. Nice to finally have it out of the way.
I usually do MP trophies last, but your take on it definitely put a different light on things. I might try some things differently on future games.
Handlebar neckbeards are super necessary! I recently traded long hair for a Mohawk, so I cut my hair and beard at the same time. Neckbeards happen!

I haven't checked my Sony rewards points in a while, but I should. I occasionally order things from their store, and I buy most of my games on PSN. Maybe I'll get DriveClub for free!

My answer to crossgen remasters - wait for PS Now.

Parkour Wood sounds like a porn star name.

I have a similar issue where I never ragequit, so maybe I should take Dyani's advice, too. My philosophy has always been, "Quitters never win." I'm childish and hate saying that I never win.

Also, I understand the Death Breath scenario. Jebediah, fix your breath!

-I'll leave the handle bar neck beard alone just this one time.

-If anyone says differently about PS now not being the answer for remasters, they are wrong.

-I'm with Dyani, There's a point where playing is just pointless. Online sports games, more than anywhere else, is where you learn this lesson. You get into such a deep hole and your competition is so good that there is no way you win unless their power cuts out and you win by forfeit. If there was a surrender option, I would gladly trigger that so that we can both get on with our next match. But there is a point where the odds are just not in your favor and you're essentially wasting time waiting for the canon to fire off.

I usually do MP trophies last, but your take on it definitely put a different light on things. I might try some things differently on future games.

-Doing the MP trophies last is still a good option. It only turns sour when you wait a few months to get to it. Unless you can power through the learning curve

-Kinda jealous you have access to In-and-Out, Chandler. It's kind of worth it to get space jacked 5 times. If that had been a Burger King or Wendy's, I would have taken off.
I still need to to do to do more to do more on to do more on it to do more on it but I really like it so far

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