Sony Entertainment Network Is Currently Undergoing Maintenance


PSLS Level: Silver
Just when I thought it was my internet, I went to try to change my avatar on my PS4 (because it had switched to the default smiley face one) and I get the message "Sony Entertainment Network is currently undergoing maintenance". Hopefully it's nothing big, that or I hope they are prepping for the addition of some more awesome features :)
It's down today too, which makes me think what the point to pay PS+ if they don't avoid those maintenances servers hiccup? I understand it's normal to have servers down from time to time, on ps3 we used to put up with it because it was free but on PS4 are we gonna constantly get those maintenances ?

I hear on xbox live it's pretty smooth (even though they just had their servers down yesterday).
Noticed this earlier when i tried to hit up the web store to see the new weekly deals. Online store seems too be operational again though.
So, what's the deal with the update, huh? Don't remember it them having this much trouble before. The SEN store seems to be working, though...
It's been nearly 24hrs since the last 'update' from Sony on this matter (AFAIK). I have like $100 worth of stuff in my cart, but I'm waiting for the PS+ discounts before I commit. If they can't get the PS+ discounts figured out by tonight, what does that tell us? Is it weird that Google's DNS has issues, XBL had tech troubles, and the PSN store didn't update all in the same 48hr period?

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