***SPOILERS*** End Game Discussion ***SPOILERS***


PSLS Level: Silver
First off, do not read on if you have not completed the game on both good and bad. Spoilers will be discussed below. You have been warned.

So I just completed my evil play through on Expert in inFAMOUS: Second Son to earn my Platinum trophy for the game, and all I have to say is WOW. Sucker Punch did a fantastic job of separating the good and bad choices within the game. Though they seemed to have considered the "good" choices in the previous two games to be the route to go with for setting this entry in the series up, I honestly believe that the evil route may be the route they consider in the future. Here is why:
  • When Delsin finds all of the audio files in the game he is told that Augustine truly fears if Delsin were ever to find Curden Cay. The amount of power that he could take in.
  • After the evil ending of the game when Delsin does the Comet Drop on his own tribe of the Akomish he says that he will be going to Curden Cay and will be sure to shake the hand of each individual as they walk out.
This would be an amazing setup of you being an actual villain in a future game. What are your thoughts on the ending of the game evil or hero?
I like both endings though I found myself having more fun on the evil playthrough because it was just grab powers and go crazy, don't worry about who is around. I will say though, they put a bit more effort into the dialog of the good side of things as compared to the bad.
To me, parts of the evil playthrough just don't add up. From the little bit of Delsin's personality that we see before we take over and make a choices for him, it just doesn't mesh with the evil choices for me. Throughout the main story it becomes a bit of a 'we know this doesn't make the best of sense for his personality but we're going with it anyway' kind of feeling. Like Reggie for instance. He's not in favor of conduits, yet even after you everything you do he still helps out? You're clearly becoming a damn 'bio-terrorist' with more and more power and he's still more than happy to help. That makes zero sense with his personality.

I'll agree that the evil playthrough is much more fun and is kill everything on sight, but the story and peoples actions severely lack any sort of connection to their personalities. SP knows that most players will and are playing as good, there's very little chance that evil we be considered the canon ending for an eventual sequel.
To me, parts of the evil playthrough just don't add up. From the little bit of Delsin's personality that we see before we take over and make a choices for him, it just doesn't mesh with the evil choices for me. Throughout the main story it becomes a bit of a 'we know this doesn't make the best of sense for his personality but we're going with it anyway' kind of feeling. Like Reggie for instance. He's not in favor of conduits, yet even after you everything you do he still helps out? You're clearly becoming a damn 'bio-terrorist' with more and more power and he's still more than happy to help. That makes zero sense with his personality.

I'll agree that the evil playthrough is much more fun and is kill everything on sight, but the story and peoples actions severely lack any sort of connection to their personalities. SP knows that most players will and are playing as good, there's very little chance that evil we be considered the canon ending for an eventual sequel.

The "shared" cutscenes didn't fit too well with the evil playthrough. It would have been great to see them change how other characters reacted towards you depending on how good/evil you were currently. With each game, Sucker Punch improves their presentation. I hope that with next game, they take that into consideration.

First off, do not read on if you have not completed the game on both good and bad. Spoilers will be discussed below. You have been warned.

So I just completed my evil play through on Expert in inFAMOUS: Second Son to earn my Platinum trophy for the game, and all I have to say is WOW. Sucker Punch did a fantastic job of separating the good and bad choices within the game. Though they seemed to have considered the "good" choices in the previous two games to be the route to go with for setting this entry in the series up, I honestly believe that the evil route may be the route they consider in the future. Here is why:
  • When Delsin finds all of the audio files in the game he is told that Augustine truly fears if Delsin were ever to find Curden Cay. The amount of power that he could take in.
  • After the evil ending of the game when Delsin does the Comet Drop on his own tribe of the Akomish he says that he will be going to Curden Cay and will be sure to shake the hand of each individual as they walk out.
This would be an amazing setup of you being an actual villain in a future game. What are your thoughts on the ending of the game evil or hero?

I sat there for a bit after the evil ending. I couldn't believe that Delsin went that way with it. Kind of in shock with what had happened. I can see what you're saying about setting up the next game with the evil playthrough, though. It would be interesting to see how they set it up that way. Being that Curden Cay houses a ton of Conduit's, I'm curious to see, what powers they'll give you and how you go about obtaining them. If they decide to go that route. But the evil playthrough does leads more towards a sequel. It would be a change of pace to see them go the evil route right off the bat.
To me, parts of the evil playthrough just don't add up. From the little bit of Delsin's personality that we see before we take over and make a choices for him, it just doesn't mesh with the evil choices for me. Throughout the main story it becomes a bit of a 'we know this doesn't make the best of sense for his personality but we're going with it anyway' kind of feeling. Like Reggie for instance. He's not in favor of conduits, yet even after you everything you do he still helps out? You're clearly becoming a damn 'bio-terrorist' with more and more power and he's still more than happy to help. That makes zero sense with his personality.

I'll agree that the evil playthrough is much more fun and is kill everything on sight, but the story and peoples actions severely lack any sort of connection to their personalities. SP knows that most players will and are playing as good, there's very little chance that evil we be considered the canon ending for an eventual sequel.

I agree with you here.. The evil playthrough really felt lazy when it came to the story, with only a few changes in there to really make them different. It would have been nice to see completely different cutscenes and a bigger difference between the two choices.

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