The Last Of Us Remastered Trailer

It's certainly a good news to hear. I hope, we'll be soon able to use it. Thanks for sharing such useful information.
I honestly thought that it was the movie when I saw it at first. Though, "Hey, cool. First a Ratchet & Clank animated film, and now a The Last of Us one."
I don't get why they would release a trailer with the same cutscenes we had already seen before. Why wouldn't they at least elaborate on the new features they've added to make the game more "next gen"? Even though I'm indifferent towards the game, I like how Crystal Dynamics released that "Next-Gen Tit Dirt" video for TR: Definitive.
Why didn't they make the game 1080p in first place? Would've saved them the trouble of having to do a remaster.
Why didn't they make the game 1080p in first place? Would've saved them the trouble of having to do a remaster.
That is a good question however I believe it is due to hardware limitations of the PS3. Sure the PS3 can do 720p @ 60FPS and/or 1080p @ 30FPS tops but most of those games are not native in HD but are instead upscaled to 1080p for example Ni No Kuni & Sonic Generations (native 480p then upscaled to 1080p) vs Last of Us & Beyond 2 Souls (native 720p).
That is a good question however I believe it is due to hardware limitations of the PS3. Sure the PS3 can do 720p @ 60FPS and/or 1080p @ 30FPS tops but most of those games are not native in HD but are instead upscaled to 1080p for example Ni No Kuni & Sonic Generations (native 480p then upscaled to 1080p) vs Last of Us & Beyond 2 Souls (native 720p).

Yet there are lots of 1080p games out there on the ps3
Yet there are lots of 1080p games out there on the ps3

Well first, the game's said to be running at 60 fps on top of the higher resolution. Beside that, they're also talking about replacing the in game character models with the cutscene character models, changes in lighting/shadows, draw distance, higher quality assets in general, and some other changes. (all multiplayer maps, grounded difficuluty, and Left behind, the single player DLC; and commentary tracks from the cast and developers). So even if they did manage to get the game running at 1080p on the PS3, that is only ONE of changes being made to the remastered edition.

That being said, it would have been impossible to get the game running at 1080p on the PS3 without SIGNIFICANT changes to how well the game looked and felt. 1080p is more than twice the pixel output of 720p, which in and of itself requires a ton more processing power. Given that the game already had issue keeping a steady 30 fps in certain situations, we would have been playing a much less believable game in terms of how realistic the characters looked (and especially how big the gap between cutscenes and gameplay was).
so happy that i have at least the destiny beta to eat up my time till i get this, i owned a 360 so didn't get the oppurtunity to play it, 60fps 1080p WOOP!

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