The Sims 4


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
This might be more of a question for @D'yani than @Chandler Wood, but:
If it releases on both consoles and PC, would you play The Sims 4 on PS4?

I was just reading that The Sims 4 had been delayed citing new bugs because of additional features being added into it, but the developers are still supposed to be showing up at E3 with some goodies (you're welcome). I remember from watching some Morning Wood episodes that D'yani was a huge Sims fan, so I was curious about what you guys think about the console versions in general and if the newest installment would be worth playing on a console.
That would be a good question for any sim gamer out there right?
Yes, but they asked in a recent Morning Wood episode for things to discuss on Saturdays. They accept feedback through email, Twitter, and the forums. :D

My wife is a Sims crackhead, but she hated The Sims 3 on PS3. I wouldn't mind seeing these two talk about Sims on consoles vs Sims on PC in a future episode.
Yes, but they asked in a recent Morning Wood episode for things to discuss on Saturdays. They accept feedback through email, Twitter, and the forums. :D

My wife is a Sims crackhead, but she hated The Sims 3 on PS3. I wouldn't mind seeing these two talk about Sims on consoles vs Sims on PC in a future episode.
We've had this conversation many times off camera, D'yani hated the PS3 version of Sims 3 just because of how limited it was. It was this sad, half assed, dumbed down version. But yes, good convo topic for an upcoming MW!
Yeah, if they could do the expansion packs on PS4, and enable all the features of the PC version, and make the controls easier (using the analog stick to slowly move the cursor AAAALLLL the way across the sim's lot was so annoying, and hard to play fast-paced like I do on PC), then maybe I'd enjoy it. I will still totally buy it because I have to experience it, but I wouldn't have high hopes.

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