Thoughts on PS4 Name Requests Feature?

I could go either way. My list is a small and intimate one, so I either know you outside of games, or I only know you from games. I will say that regardless to name requests every single person on my friends list is important to me for one reason or another.

Either way I prefer to compartmentalize so I keep it so I know the people I know and don't know the people I don't know so I could probably live without name requests. I find most people are more charismatic when they are in avatar form. It's charming when the cardboard box monkey tells me off or trash talks. Not so much when I know it's some neckbeard. I'm probably a little shallow but I was like that when voice coms were being introduced to gaming too. It was very disappointing to see some really awesome players and hear their god-awful annoying voices for the first time. Ever since then I tend to keep the internet people on the internet where I respect them more. I'm a guy I don't really need to know the details like what you look like or what you do for a living. It's game time so all I need to know is can you play?

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