Timewarp's here


PSLS Level: Bronze
Yep it's me. Timewarp. From the comments section, you might remember me from the annoying guy who keeps making irrelevant jokes. Anyway I remember back when PSLS had their own forum so it's cool to see it brought back.

Hopefully this time I won't do a repeat of last time and just make a few posts and leave forever.
Yep it's me. Timewarp. From the comments section, you might remember me from the annoying guy who keeps making irrelevant jokes. Anyway I remember back when PSLS had their own forum so it's cool to see it brought back.

Hopefully this time I won't do a repeat of last time and just make a few posts and leave forever.
Definitely don't just post a couple and leave forever. Glad to have you here on the forums :)
To be honest I had this problem where I'd make a profile on certain forums and I don't know how but I'd just forget the password and then I'd be stuck trying to recall every password I use, it's a good thing I'm not smart enough or rich enough to design security "So is it the globbox with a Z or an X to shut down the deathbot?"
Yep it's me. Timewarp. From the comments section, you might remember me from the annoying guy who keeps making irrelevant jokes. Anyway I remember back when PSLS had their own forum so it's cool to see it brought back.

Hopefully this time I won't do a repeat of last time and just make a few posts and leave forever.
Trust us. we're going to hit you over the head with the fact that we have forums everywhere on the main site, headers, ads, articles. We'll make sure you remember to come back ;)
I don't know how but I'd just forget the password and then I'd be stuck trying to recall every password I use,
Yep it's me. Timewarp. From the comments section, you might remember me from the annoying guy who keeps making irrelevant jokes. Anyway I remember back when PSLS had their own forum so it's cool to see it brought back.
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Hopefully this time I won't do a repeat of last time and just make a few posts and leave forever.
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I was saving them on Google but I got a warning telling me it was hacked and so now honestly I don't trust the cloud, rather have a book then a cloud some hacker can break into.

Yeah call me a luddite but Google just put me off cloud saves.

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