I don't know why Sony doesn't just make it to where you can pair a PS4 controller to a Vita controller like you could with a PSPGO or 3000 using a PS3 for games like Resistance Burning Skies. I mean they are doing it with smartphones and tablets FFS. Vita T.V. can do it.Yeah, you need a TV for the initial setup. After that, as long as your network connection does not change, you do not need a TV. So go with wired. There is latency (more a sound issue) and control precision is not quite there. Other then that, the lack of actual L2 R2 makes remote playing games like drive club that use variable pressure control a less satisfying experience.
I don't know why Sony doesn't just make it to where you can pair a PS4 controller to a Vita controller like you could with a PSPGO or 3000 using a PS3 for games like Resistance Burning Skies. I mean they are doing it with smartphones and tablets FFS. Vita T.V. can do it.
I don't know waht you're saying to be honest.Sorry for a late response. I think the issue lies in the fact that changing the data connection setting would disconnect the vita from the ps4. It would interrupt the signal. As for initial set up, logging into the psn is required to confirm both the vita and ps4 are of the same account. The vita has WiFi only where as the PS3/4 both only save the current connection settings. They do not search for saved access points because there are none. Only Lan works no matter what network it is plugged into. If you had save accesses points or some other smart connect, maybe even a restricted mode for setting up a connection, then maybe you could go tvless.