Vita Games in 2014: The Ultimate List

Updates for Thursday May 22nd

Added Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, Samurai Warriors 4 to the Fall release. Adjusted Jet Car Stunts to July and added Hero Seige to the TBA section.

Added Exogenesis to the TBA section also now that it has successfully hit it's PS Vita stretch goal.

EDIT: Added Minecraft to August
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Not quite yet, it shouldn't be too far off though. Farming Simulator 14's trophy's just were released and that game comes out in late June.
Nice. I can't wait for the Lemmings game. Been too long since I've played a game from the series.
Nice. I can't wait for the Lemmings game. Been too long since I've played a game from the series.
Have you tried the one on PS Mobile? It says its free, but its like a PSN title where the first chapter is free but then you pay to unlock the rest.
Looks like Farming Simulator '14 is getting a retail release when it launches on June 24th

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Updated the list to add FlyHunter Origins and remove tuesdays new releases.
Added PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate, 1001 Spikes, Ratchet & Clank Trilogy for EU, Lego Batman 3 & Inner City Kids to the list.
Updated the Game List to include Murasaki Baby's new release window and Another World's release for next week.

Also moved Magical Beat to the recently released section.
Thanks! I thought I briefly saw something about it while I was at work. So I appreciate the heads up
any news on PvZ Garden Warfare? These rumors flying about makes me wonder if its real lol.
i think the rumors were untrue. we would've heard something. plus EA recently pretty much said 'fuck you' to new Vita titles.

i'll post my thoughts on the censorship issue when I get home later tonight.
I don't mean to derail the thread, but I think it's complete BS that they're censoring this game. I wanted the exact same game as the Japanese and now I can't even get my punishment audio. :/

The censorship is pretty mild, added some 'steam/fog' to scenes missing them and removed the moans/groans from the ladies during the punishment scenes. It doesn't really bother me as non of the content was removed or anything drastic. Americans are overly sensitive about shit like this, NeoGAF has even gone and banned topics about it, so they do have to take some measures to ensure it doesn't get an AO rating in the States.

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