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Gotten about 4 hours of sleep for the past three nights (as in i went to bed at 4/5 wake up at 8/9) and i'm about to head to a computer science conference. It's spring weekend at my school so now i get to handle partying, alcohol and a ton of school work all at once on barely any sleep! Woooh i need coffee....
Working. Or rather, "working." Every time you see me on here or the site I am probably at work. Job isn't super demanding and we aren't retail so we don't see constant foot traffic.
I think you and me were "Working" a lot today.

Its summertime for me so its pretty low-key for awhile until the projects roll in.
I really don't get the point of snapchat.

From what I understand it is a medium for teenagers to share explicit photos with one another under the illusory perception they will be immediately deleted after closing the pic. However, as most should know, nothing digital is truly deleted if you know where to look. A hacker can easily locate this information.
From what I understand it is a medium for teenagers to share explicit photos with one another under the illusory perception they will be immediately deleted after closing the pic. However, as most should know, nothing digital is truly deleted if you know where to look. A hacker can easily locate this information.
I'm an old man snapchatting...nothing explicit to teenagers though. haha
I have a good group of snapchatters. Including hilarious people I met at a bar, and a couple of my brothers.
I would not be surprised if the NSA is recording every single snapchat I send. F the government.
I just asked my professor/advisor for an extension on his 100 level final paper because i didn't know we had to do one and he's asking for waaaaay to much for a 100 level course. Also he was kind of being a dick to me and about it being that he's my advisor and he knows how much work i have for the week and an extension literally would do NOTHING to deter him from anything, so I'm going to take a nap because fuck that paper and class.
Now I'm reading, and curious about, the Black Eyed Kids. More than probably fictional, but interesting nonetheless. Love a good spook story. And I think it is about coffee time.
Now I'm reading, and curious about, the Black Eyed Kids. More than probably fictional, but interesting nonetheless. Love a good spook story. And I think it is about coffee time.
Coffee time, definitely.

I just finished an outline for my final assignment in an HR course. It's based around the total compensation package of a company you work for, used to work for, or are interested in joining. I'm using the business that I made up in a previous E-business class. I'm sure that by the time my degree is finished, I'll have a full fledged business manifesto made up about a company that I'm actually not interested in creating. I'll sell it if you guys want it. I already wrote about it's value chain and supply chain in two classes, it's how it can function online in another class (complete with information about its ASPs), how it should be governed from the point of view of a CMA, and now I'm putting together its HR Code. Let's see how long I can keep going...
Coffee time, definitely.

I just finished an outline for my final assignment in an HR course. It's based around the total compensation package of a company you work for, used to work for, or are interested in joining. I'm using the business that I made up in a previous E-business class. I'm sure that by the time my degree is finished, I'll have a full fledged business manifesto made up about a company that I'm actually not interested in creating. I'll sell it if you guys want it. I already wrote about it's value chain and supply chain in two classes, it's how it can function online in another class (complete with information about its ASPs), how it should be governed from the point of view of a CMA, and now I'm putting together its HR Code. Let's see how long I can keep going...

I'd buy it, but I'm still working on building my own company. Just need to get to the point in my life where such a goal is a bit more realistic.
Its lunch time here on the East Coast.
Menu: Baked Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, and an Apple
sitting at work uncomfortable because I got a shot in my upper arm yesterday and the mother fucker still hurts.. GAH
Have one day of classes left tomorrow, just 1 class and my professor for that class literally assigned the hardest homework i have ever had. Its the only thing left in my way and yet its gonna take me hours to finish. If I didn't actually find computer engineering interesting, I'd be more upset.
Have one day of classes left tomorrow, just 1 class and my professor for that class literally assigned the hardest homework i have ever had. Its the only thing left in my way and yet its gonna take me hours to finish. If I didn't actually find computer engineering interesting, I'd be more upset.
I am so glad I am out of school. I just wish i would've found out sooner that Computer Programming was not enjoyable to me after 3 years of it.
I am so glad I am out of school. I just wish i would've found out sooner that Computer Programming was not enjoyable to me after 3 years of it.

I actually figured that out now, only I'm entering my senior year and its too late to change and find another passion now! Though this is programming at the academic level, i'm gonna try to make a video game like i always wanted and see if individual projects are more fun and enjoyable. If not, i re-enter school for comp engineering (my school only has general comp sci major) or I do IT, which sounds fun actually.

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