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I'm just getting stoked about getting back to playing Sparkle 2 on my Vita for review while my wife reviews Transistor on the PS4.
I'm just getting stoked about getting back to playing Sparkle 2 on my Vita for review while my wife reviews Transistor on the PS4.
I just saw a trailer for it. Before I read your review, I'm just letting you know it's a Day 1 buy for me. :D

Btw: I'm pretty stoked to see a solid puzzle game review. hahaha
Reading the forums, and talking on phone, and planning to rule the world
Trying to beat all of my old s rank scores on devil may cry 4. Soooooo much fun doing so. Gotta love hack and slash games
Just watching updates on yet another fire that broke out near my house (and 2 others jumped the lines). Hoping I don't have to evacuate again, nature seems intent on erasing us off the map!
Just got back from seeing Guardians Of The Galaxy. Was not expecting much. Turned out to be my favorite movie in a long time. Amazing.

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