What Did You Get This Week On The PSN?

Some I open, Some I don't. I have no rhyme or reason. I typically do not open anything until I am ready to play it. So in this instance I just never got around to opening it for playing and the digital was super cheap. I did the same thing for Tales of Xillia. But mostly if they are rare and have good resale I will often sell later on at a profit. I'm a collector but this is how I keep my gaming habit going. Last couple years I've broke even.

I collect. I just play my collection. I decidedly quit reselling my games after realizing it just wasn't worth it. I'll privately sell them if I feel so inclined though. Or give ebay a go. I guess I meant trade-in as opposed to sale in that sentence.
I'm getting really sick of your sales Sony! Because of this "flash sale," I bought:

-Spec Ops: The Line
-Red Dead Redemption
-GTA 4

GTA and RDR I bought because they were great games when I played them back in the day. Guacamelee and Spec Ops are based on word of mouth. Sometimes I really hate these sales. As much as I hate money apparently :oops:
If I ever complain about not having anything to play, someone please slap me.
The temptation is too strong. I know that if another Final Fantasy sale pops up (I missed the last one by a couple weeks), I will never be seen on these forums again.
I have all of them that I want to play right now. I've never played Tactics, and I didn't really like Dissidia enough to buy the others in the series. If Crisis Core comes up in a sale, though - I might bite the bullet and get it anyway.
I have all of them that I want to play right now. I've never played Tactics, and I didn't really like Dissidia enough to buy the others in the series. If Crisis Core comes up in a sale, though - I might bite the bullet and get it anyway.
Is Crisis Core available?! I will buy that at full price!!! Damn the sale.
I have all of them that I want to play right now. I've never played Tactics, and I didn't really like Dissidia enough to buy the others in the series. If Crisis Core comes up in a sale, though - I might bite the bullet and get it anyway.

You need to drop your entire life and enjoy the epic awesomeness that is Final Fantasy Tactics. Like right now. This instant.

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