What is and what is not a gamer for you?

I want to make a civilized discussion about what is and and what is not a gamer? This will be based on your believes, experiences and opinions. This thread is being made because I see more and more cases of people trying to "decide"who is a gamer and who is not. We will discuss this with respect please.
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I will give my opinon when Im done writing it.

Love you all.
A True Gamer to me is a combination of Makai's Casual Gamer, Hardcore Gamer, and True Gamer. These are the ones that truly love our hobby and enjoy everything about it.
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For me, being a gamer isn’t just about the number of hours you spend playing or how skilled you are. It’s more about the passion and enjoyment you get from gaming. Whether someone casually plays a few games on the weekends or dives deep into complex RPGs like World of Warcraft, it all counts. Personally, I’ve been playing WoW for a while now, and I’ve had moments where I spent hours grinding through content, but other times I’ve used WoW Delve Boost (https://wowvendor.com/shop/wow/delves/) to help me get through some of the more difficult parts of the game when I just didn’t have the time.

At the end of the day, I think what makes someone a gamer is their connection to the games they play and the community they’re part of. Everyone has their own style and pace, and that’s what makes gaming so diverse and inclusive.

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