What Is the Last Thing You Ate?

Maryland Blue crab!
::imitates homer simpson::
Blue Crab...............so good.......................... :: passes out from eating too many::
Crab Coma
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I like to eat crabs, and I've been getting adventurous with Japanese food lately. :D

I've piged out on japanese food tons of times, i have to say my favorite dishes are sukiyaki, shabu shabu, and tonkatsu. You would like all three. I eat them when i get the chance. Some nice places for it down here, and a whole bunch in new york. You should also give korean bar-b-que a try. My dad is former navy so my mom knows how to make some of this stuff from scratch. She learned when they wrre stationed there for awhile.
I've piged out on japanese food tons of times, i have to say my favorite dishes are sukiyaki, shabu shabu, and tonkatsu. You would like all three..
I've had sukiyaki a few times. I most recently had some raw octopus. I try to push my boundaries a bit to at least say that I've tried things. The octopus was awesome! :D
I've had sukiyaki a few times. I most recently had some raw octopus. I try to push my boundaries a bit to at least say that I've tried things. The octopus was awesome! :D

Ya, i can't touch octopus or squid, i'm allergic to them for some reason.

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