What Type Of Phone Do You Have?

I have the iPhone 5 right now. Waiting for the iPhone 6, with the rumored larger screen. Overall that is the only thing I would change about my phone, love everything else about it.
Galaxy S4. Absolutely love it. Get on so much better with Android than iOS - used to have to work with all kinds of phones and always preferred the Androids.
Galaxy S4. Absolutely love it. Get on so much better with Android than iOS - used to have to work with all kinds of phones and always preferred the Androids.
Yeah I've seen the Androids as of late, and I do prefer the larger screen size. I believe that @dragon82 has one of the Galaxy Note phones, and he loves it. But software wise I have always preferred iOS. Also I have some friends with Android phones in the past, and they have had some issues and eventually just got an iPhone. Though I have heard less issues recently, so maybe they fixed them via updates.
Samsung Galaxy Note II. Even after a year of use I still love it, cant wait for the Note IV.
Samsung Galaxy Note II. Even after a year of use I still love it, cant wait for the Note IV.
This ^ is me exactly!!

I owned a iphone 3G and iphone 4 but my Note II is by far the best phone I have ever owned. I wouldn't trade it for anything other than the Note IV. :)
What caused you guys not to go for the Note 3? Not worthy of an upgrade?

Mostly because I am still under contract for a year, plus it wasn't really worth the upgrade from the II, I have a few friends who made the jump who said it wasn't really anything that much better about it other than some hardware specs so mostly it was a marginal upgrade.
Mostly because I am still under contract for a year, plus it wasn't really worth the upgrade from the II, I have a few friends who made the jump who said it wasn't really anything that much better about it other than some hardware specs so mostly it was a marginal upgrade.
Any rumors as to what the Note IV will include?
Bout a Galaxy Note II a year ago and got my wife to convert from the crappy Iphone 4 to a Note III. Both of us couldn't be happier. Best phones around with a gorgeous screen.
Sony Xperia Z. I love it, but Sony keeps churning out new flagship phones every six months that make me want to throw it out and get a new one.
Kyocera Rise. I'm content with it. I don't do anything too crazy with it, so I'm not really picky about anything about it. It's a smartphone with a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, which I specifically wanted, and with a decent camera (with flash). If anything, I'd just like one with a better camera, but the one this has is plenty sufficient for most occasions.
I have a Galaxy S3, it was great when I got it, but I dropped it and cracked the screen. I never got it fixed since it would have cost me $160. I love it though, but I'm ready for an upgrade. I'm thinking either the SG5 or Note 4.
I have an Atrix HD and haven't been impressed with it since the day I got it. Hopefully at the end of the year I'll upgrade to an IPhone.
What caused you guys not to go for the Note 3? Not worthy of an upgrade?
I still have a year left before I am up for a full upgrade. I could use the "AT&T Next" upgrade for like $30/mo to get one but I hate monthly payments so I decided to wait until I could just buy a Note 4 at the cheaper upgrade price with no payments.
I have a Galaxy S3, it was great when I got it, but I dropped it and cracked the screen. I never got it fixed since it would have cost me $160. I love it though, but I'm ready for an upgrade. I'm thinking either the SG5 or Note 4.
Be very careful with it. I used to have an S3,and my screen had a minor cracking after dropped and I chose not to repair it. About six months later my screen stopped working completely (and suddenly).

I took it to Samsung as was still under warranty and they point blank refused to fix it, unless I first paid to have the glass replaced. Then they'd send me the phone back and I could take it in again to have the screen replaced, but they couldn't guarantee they would repair that under the warranty, because it happened when I had cracked glass, even though they said the two things were probably unrelated.

Ended up buying a new phone instead. Guess I really showed Samsung a lesson by choosing to buy an S4... :D

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