What Type Of Phone Do You Have?

I have a Galaxy S3. It's my first smartphone, I've been enjoying it though which is pretty easy to do with nothing to compare it too. I like it better than my wife's iPhone 4S from what I've played around with it though.
Galaxy S3 here too. Never really liked iOS and I completely hate iTunes.

I also like to dig deep into my phone. Rooting, flashing roms... doing everything I can to make it not work correctly.
Be very careful with it. I used to have an S3,and my screen had a minor cracking after dropped and I chose not to repair it. About six months later my screen stopped working completely (and suddenly).

I took it to Samsung as was still under warranty and they point blank refused to fix it, unless I first paid to have the glass replaced. Then they'd send me the phone back and I could take it in again to have the screen replaced, but they couldn't guarantee they would repair that under the warranty, because it happened when I had cracked glass, even though they said the two things were probably unrelated.

Ended up buying a new phone instead. Guess I really showed Samsung a lesson by choosing to buy an S4... :D
Well that was over a, year ago so no worries.
Would also like to mention, after reading the above post, that if you're looking to get a phone case definitely go with otterbox. You can find one for a good price online, NEVER buy from the store, they charged me $50 for a flip cover, like a COVER not a CASE, it just covered the screen. (This was Verizon btw). I'm prone to dropping my phone and was worried about it until i got this otterbox case. not to sound like i work for them and am promoting the product (which, technically i am) but at $35, it has a hard case, hard rubber case and screen protector in 1, dropped it a couple times and phone still works great!
iPhone 5s... I love it.

Very happy this thread didn't turn into an iPhone vs Android flame war :)
I have an Xperia Z still. I think I'm going to upgrade to an Xperia Z2 later this year or a Z2 Ultra if they make one. I'm all about washing my phone in the sink. hahaha

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