Who is excited for The Witcher 3?


PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
I am so excited for this game. I am going to pre order the Collector's Edition! The game looks BadA.

Tell me in the comments what do you think. Love you guys. Stay Strong DFG.
never played the series, so I don't really know anything about it, from the trailer it looks like a hack and slash.
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I'm excited, but I also have reservations about it. I'm not liking the idea of an open world game, and the fact they may be 'dumbing down' the combat worries me.

The first two games are awesome though, so it will probably end up being a great game. I've also read the books. They're quite good.
:) We shall see. I am excited for it.

I also want to see E3 tomorrow. I cannot wait. I want to see info on Vita 200o for the US and I wanna see info on the PS4 exclusives.
The game is an RPG but most of you already noticed that.

It set on a fantasy world full of monsters and weird stuff. You are the Witcher who is awesome, agile and quite powerful but also mortal. You have to battle your way against a lot of monsters, people and other weird things. Yes is like a hack and slash but for what I have seen is very good and with a lot of potential.

I did not played the other two games but I did watch a walkt on youtube for the second game. Is gory and with a lot of action. He is like a mix of Dante, Kratos and other cool video game characters that kill pretty much everything.
I'm excited, but I also have reservations about it. I'm not liking the idea of an open world game, and the fact they may be 'dumbing down' the combat worries me.

The first two games are awesome though, so it will probably end up being a great game. I've also read the books. They're quite good.

From what I was shown, the combat didn't look dumbed down at all.
I am but I should probably finish 1 and 2. I have enjoyed them, I just never seemed to dedicate any real time to dive into them.
I'm trying to figure out why he looks old as hell in the first two and then younger in the third title. Is it a prequel?
The game sure looks great. I saw the gameplay on the Microsoft conference. Great gameplay. Cant wait.

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