Who is your favorite video game character?


PSLS Level: Bronze
Who is your favorite character in video game history? It can be anyone a hero, villain, guy, girl etc. Make sure to leave a short description as to why he/she is your fav and a picture. If you can't decide on one character leave a few.

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This is really hard to answer man. I mean extremely hard. I can name a favorite character from a series or each game. But an all encompassing, ultimate favorite character? I'm not sure that is possible. There are tons. I mean literally, if they were real, tons of characters I love.

This is in no way an accurate representation of the characters I love, but for the sake of the post, I'll say Kain from the Legacy of Kain series.

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The original Dante - Devil May Cry 1-4
Original Vergil - Devil May Cry 1 & 3
Nero - Devil May Cry 4
Date Masamune - Sengoku Basara series
Sarutobi Sasuke - Sengoku Basara series
Raiden - Metal Gear Rising
and several others
Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Sephiroth are all amazing characters. I also love Squall, Tidus, Auron... A lot of those Final Fantasy characters.
Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Sephiroth are all amazing characters. I also love Squall, Tidus, Auron... A lot of those Final Fantasy characters.

I used to love Cloud. And then I discovered Zack in that flashback. He immediately became my favorite afterwards. I always felt that if Zack had lived during his encounter with Sephiroth, he would've been the hero of VII. Quite literally, Cloud became Zack. Which is cool and I understand how it all happened. I guess I just like "the original bad ass."

My fav is GLaDOS and I consider her one of the greatest video game villains of all time. I love her HAL-like conduct and like her more than HAL 9000 (from 2001 A Space Odyssey). I immediately fell in love with her with the two songs she sings.
Still Alive
Want you gone
Kratos. Simply and sincerly Kratos. Why? I dont know how to explain it but I can feel the deep emotions and messages that are in those games. I can take the game and think if that was me, what would I do? I simply love the story of God of War and the Kratos character is one of the best in the gaming history. He is not bad or good. He is a man. I love that he is not entirely evil but is also is not good. Is like a different thing from what we are used to see. At least that is the way I see it. :)
Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, hands down. There are a lot of Final Fantasy characters that I have come to love over the years, but Alucard is both the most memorable and most interesting character with whom I've ever felt a connection in a video game.

If we are referring to characters that we have felt attached to (as @stolenxnametag mentioned), mine would definitely be Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. It was amazing to see him essentially become a character as you progressed through the game. In the beginning he really doesn't care about anything, and is quite the lone wolf. But the events that occur in the game eventually show players that Squall is a much more dynamic character than originally portrayed. I would post more about him as a character, but I don't want to spoil the story for anyone. If you have yet to play Final Fantasy VIII, I highly recommend it. It is my favorite JRPG of all time, and probably my favorite game of all time as well.
If we are referring to characters that we have felt attached to (as @stolenxnametag mentioned), mine would definitely be Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. It was amazing to see him essentially become a character as you progressed through the game. In the beginning he really doesn't care about anything, and is quite the lone wolf. But the events that occur in the game eventually show players that Squall is a much more dynamic character than originally portrayed. I would post more about him as a character, but I don't want to spoil the story for anyone. If you have yet to play Final Fantasy VIII, I highly recommend it. It is my favorite JRPG of all time, and probably my favorite game of all time as well.

My personality is pretty close to Squalls early game personality. I've identified with him ever since I first played the game. I'm very apathetic till I'm able to open up and trust someone. Once that happens, I'll go above and beyond for them. I really need to replay 8, though.

Another honorable mention goes to Leaf suit Mario. Gaming started there for me. This image was my whole childhood in a nutshell.
It's crazy how much we could stick to one game when we were younger, now not so much :p
Honestly, I can't remember the last game I felt an attachment to (Might have been FF8). I'm not sure if that's because of my loss of patience or games not resonating with me like they use to anymore. It is so difficult for me to play and enjoy a game on even the second play through. I think I just need to reevaluate my take on gaming in general.
If we are referring to characters that we have felt attached to (as @stolenxnametag mentioned), mine would definitely be Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. It was amazing to see him essentially become a character as you progressed through the game. In the beginning he really doesn't care about anything, and is quite the lone wolf. But the events that occur in the game eventually show players that Squall is a much more dynamic character than originally portrayed. I would post more about him as a character, but I don't want to spoil the story for anyone. If you have yet to play Final Fantasy VIII, I highly recommend it. It is my favorite JRPG of all time, and probably my favorite game of all time as well.
Squall is my number two character, but FFVIII > Castlevania: SotN for me.

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