[Wii U] vWii Upscaling?


PSLS Level: Bronze
I keep forgetting to ask about this, so I better do it now, before I continue to forget. ^^; A question for any Wii U owners out there: I know that you can switch to the vWii mode in order to play regular Wii titles on the Wii U, but how does the Wii U handle the video output? Is it properly upscaled via HDMI? How does it compare to running a Wii through component cables?
It will upscale the picture through the HDMI and the picture appears to look exactly the same as playing it through component cables. If there is a difference in visual quality I can't see it.
It will upscale the picture through the HDMI and the picture appears to look exactly the same as playing it through component cables. If there is a difference in visual quality I can't see it.
^This. I can confirm that it also does this on Gamecube titles that are emulated through the vWii. I played Majora's Mask (GC version with progressive scan from LoZ Collection) with no noticeable issues.

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