Your Go To Gaming Snack And Drink

If it's a soda mine is definitely Sprite. But honestly I rarely drink soda and primarily water. There are times if I'm playing a sports title or something I will drink some alcoholic beverages on the weekend. That's typically vodka mixed with something, or Shiner Bock or Budweiser Black Crown for beer.

Snacks I honestly don't eat while I game usually. Don't like getting stuff only controllers. Before my gluten free diet I guess Cheese It crackers.
Water, I must drink about a gallon a day at the very least. As for food, I generally graze in the kitchen just so can step away from my computer or console for a period of time.
Mountain Dew and Doritos, of course. Any self-respecting gamer would know that
In order of occurrence, I dont snack while gaming because its typically night time and I dont eat after 8pm.
  1. Water (90% of the time)
  2. Beer
  3. Scotch
If I'm really excited about having an extended gaming session (a day off or an evening when my wife is out with friends), then Dr. Pepper is my drink of choice, plus some snacks that won't get my controller greasy or grungy - usually a sandwich and cookies.
If I'm really excited about having an extended gaming session (a day off or an evening when my wife is out with friends), then Dr. Pepper is my drink of choice, plus some snacks that won't get my controller greasy or grungy - usually a sandwich and cookies.
Mmm, I haven't hung out with the Dr. in forever.

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