Your Go To Gaming Snack And Drink

Coke Zero and whatever. If I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Doesn't matter what time because that night-time weight thing is pure myth. Generally though it goes to something quick. Sandwich, chips, cold can of ravioli still in the can, something of that sorts. Occasionally I'll even bring my dinner plate up and game.
Coke Zero and whatever. If I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Doesn't matter what time because that night-time weight thing is pure myth. Generally though it goes to something quick. Sandwich, chips, cold can of ravioli still in the can, something of that sorts. Occasionally I'll even bring my dinner plate up and game.
Dinner always. We don't have a dinging table yet, so right onto my coffee table/cart it goes while I continue to play.

EDIT- Obviously by "dinging" I meant "dining"...
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Coca Cola which is my favorite followed by Sprite, Mountain Dew ( very hard to find in this area :( and any other soda or juices. For snack I dont really do it unless I am with someone. I mostly eat before I get to game or dont eat at all until I finish haha.
I usually drink more than I eat, especially while gaming or whatever. Beverage of choice... varies, depending on various circumstances. Mountain Dew products are frequent company, though. Been hooked on their black cherry Kickstart lately, although while I'm home and whatnot, I'm usually sticking to either imitation Dew (from work) or AriZona iced tea (lemon). Recently added a liter of Minute Maid fruit punch and lemonade to our fridge, so those are likely to fuel various activities in the near future.

Milk and cookies are great for pretty much anything, though.
Root beer or ginger ale. Mmmmmm....starting to get more Five Alive. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
Add chips (preferably ketchup) to that.
Beer or Rum and Coke or just Rum. If not an alcoholic beverage then whatever is in the fridge, milk, water, pop
As for snacks Doritos, Miss Vickis Salt and Vinegar chips or Smart food popcorn. I'll usually take a break to snack and then wash my hands before getting back to gaming

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